Last updated March 22, 2025,
Translations of Korean literature by Brother Anthony of Taizé

(This page is entirely devoted to translations of Korean literature. See my other Books page for my books of Korean tales or books about Korean tea, about European and English literature / culture / history, and translations from French.)

Sample translations are available separately for easier access, poetry  and fiction

Click for a PDF file listing all my published books, plus a brief Biography

Published translations of Korean literature   |  Translations in periodicals   |  Articles about Korean literature  | Articles about English literature

This page contains several sections

1. Published Translations of Korean Literature   
Translations published in periodicals or anthologies
Articles on various aspects of Korean literature and translation

Published Translations of Korean Literature
(In chronological order of first publication, grouped by author below)
(books currently available are shown in bold print) 

Author Title Publisher & Date

1. Ku Sang Wastelands of Fire // Wasteland Poems Forest Books 1990 // DapGae 2000
2. Ku Sang A Korean Century  (Christopher's River; Diary of the Fields)
Forest Books 1991 (Out of print)
3. Ku Sang Infant Splendor  (Online text and images)
Samseong 1991 (Out of print)
4. Kim Kwang-kyu Faint Shadows of Love Forest Books 1991 (Out of print)
5. Ko Un The Sound of my Waves Cornell EAS 1991 // Cornell - DapGae
6. Midang, So Chong-ju Early Lyrics Forest Books 1991 // Cornell - DapGae 1998
7. Ch'on Sang-pyong Back to Heaven Cornell EAS 1995 // Cornell - DapGae 1996
8. Ko Un What? : 108 Zen Poems (formerly  Beyond Self) Parallax (Berkeley) 2008 (1997)
9. Shin Kyong-nim Farmers' Dance Cornell - DapGae 1999
10. Kim Su-young
Shin Kyong-nim
Lee Si-young
Variations Cornell 2001
 **. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry Columbia UP 2004
11. Ku Sang Even the Knots on Quince Trees Tell Tales DapGae 2004
12. Ku Sang Eternity Today Seoul Selection 2005
13. Kim Young-Moo Virtual Reality DapGae 2005
14. Kim Kwang-kyu The Depths of a Clam White Pine Press 2005
15. Ko Un Ten Thousand Lives Green Integer (Los Angeles) 2005
16. Kim Kwang-Kyu
A Journey to Seoul
DapGae 2006
17. Ko Un
Flowers of a Moment
BOA 2006
18. Chonggi Mah
Eyes of Dew
White Pine Press 2006
19. Special Children
Poems for Planting Love
Seoul Selection 2008
20. Ko Un
Songs for Tomorrow
Green Integer 2009
21. Kim Yeong-Nang
Until Peonies Bloom
MerwinAsia 2010
22. Kim Seung-Hee
Walking on a Washing Line
Cornell EAS 2011
23. Ko Un
ChaRyong's Kiss (bilingual, poems for children about his daughter)
Ba-u-sol 2011
24. Ko Un
Himalaya Poems
Green Integer 2011
25. Ko Un
First Person Sorrowful
Bloodaxe 2012
26. Hong Yunsook
Sunlight in a Distant Place
Foreign Language Publications Ohio State U. 2013
27. Ynhui Park
Shadows of the Void
Seoul Selection 2014
28. Lee Si-Young
Green Integer 2014
29. Ko Un
Maninbo: Peace & War
Bloodaxe 2015
30. Kim Soo-Bok Beating on Iron Green Integer 2015
31. Anthology
The Colors of Dawn Manoa, 2016
32. Do Jong-Hwan
No Flower Blooms Without Wavering
Seoul Selection, 2016
33. Oh Sae-Young
Night Sky Checkerboard
Phoneme Media, 2016
34. Shim Bo-Seon
Fifteen Seconds without Sorrow
Parlor Press, 2016
35. Jeong Ho-Seung A Letter Not Sent
Seoul Selection  2016
36. Jeong Ho-Seung
Though flowers fall, I have never forgotten you
Seoul Selection  2016
37. Ko Hyeong-Ryeol
Grasshoppers' Eyes Parlor Press. 2017
38. Lee Seong-Bok
Ah, Mouthless Things
Green Integer 2017
39. Ko Un
Poems by Ko Un
Asia 2017
40. Ahn Do-Hyun Poems by Ahn Do-Hyun
Asia 2017
41. Kim Jong-Gil 
A Black Kite MerwinAsia  2017
42. Ahn Sang-Hak Poems by Ahn Sang-Hak Asia 2018
43. Kim Sa-in
Liking in Silence
White Pine. 2019
44. Yoo Anjin
As I Walk Alone
MerwinAsia  2020
45. An Hyeon-mi
Deep Work
Asia 2020
46. Kim Seung-Hee
Hope is Lonely
Arc 2020
47. Ahn Joo-cheol
Feeling Never Stops
Asia 2020
48. Kim Soo-yeol
Homo Maskus
Asia 2020
49. Park Nohae
걷는 독서  Reading While Walking Along 느린걸음 2021
50. Lee Sul-ya
Cave Boys Asia 2021
51. Ko Un
Maninbo Volumes 21-25
Green Integer 2022
52. Moon Dong-man
Thinking Less About Sad Things
Asia 2022
53. Sin Yong-mok
Concealed Words
Black Ocean 2022
54. Kim Ilyeon All The Daughters of The Earth
Seoul Selection 2023
55. Ko Un Maninbo 26-30I
Green Integer 2023
56. Song Kyeong-dong I'll Write Again Tomorrow
Asia 2023
57. Kim Byung-ho Love Songs Sung with the Body
Asia 2023
58. Park Nohae Dawn of Labor
Hawaii 2024.
59. Song Kyeong-dong. I am not Korean Parlor Press, 2025
60. Yi Gi-cheol
Tears, Such Beautiful Waterdrops
솔과학 2025


1. Yi Mun-yol The Poet Harvill Press 1994 / Vintage 2001
2. Lee Oyoung The General's Beard / Phantom Legs Homa & Sekey 2002
3. Ko Un Little Pilgrim Parallax (Berkeley) 2005 
4. Bang Hyeon-seok l
Off to Battle at Dawn.  Translated with Dafna Zur.
Asia Publishers, Bilingual Edition
5. Yi Mun-yol
Son of Man Dalkey Archive 2015
6. Jeong Ho-seung
Seoul Selection 2020
7. Jeong Ho-seung 
Lonesome Jar Seoul Selection 2020
8. J. M. Lee
Broken Summer
Amazon Crossing 2022
9. Lee Geum-yi The Picture Bride Forge/Scribe 2022
10, Lee Geum-yi
Can't I Go Instead
Forge/Scribe 2023
11. Im Seong-sun The Consultant Raven Books 2023


1. Mok Sun-Ok
My Husband the Poet
Seoul Selection 2006
2. Yi Mok & Cho-ui
Korean Tea Classics
Seoul Selection 2010
3. St. Kim Dae-geon
The Letters of Saint Andrew Kim Dae-geon
The Research Foundation of Korean Church History 2021
4. Thomas Choe The Letters of the Venerable Father Thomas Choe Yang-eop The Research Foundation of Korean Church History 2022

Translations grouped by author, in chronological order of the first work by each author published
Books without a picture are out of print

  Ku Sang 구상
(1919 - 2004).

Ku Sang grew up in North Korea, studied the Philosophy of Religion in Tokyo, then returned to Korea to begin a lifelong career in journalism. With the rise of the Communists in the North after Liberation in 1945, he was forced to flee Southward when he learned that his poems did not please the censors. He was from a Catholic family (his brother was a priest, for which he was killed in North Korea at the start of the Korean War) and his poems combine Asian religious imagery with a Catholic understanding without dogmatism. He shunned overly 'poetic' styles and enjoyed writing spontaneous poems provoked by momentary glimpses of things.

Read about Ku Sang (1919 - 2004). Read his Obituary in the Independent (London) or an obituary article in the Yonhap News.

Read extracts from Wasteland Poems, River and Fields

Read the Introduction to Even the Knots on Quince Trees Tell Tales and the first ten poems of Even the Knots (as well as the poet's Epilogue)

1)  Wasteland Poems: Poems by Ku Sang. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.

A bilingual edition by  DapGae (Seoul) You may buy this through  Seoul Selection's home page.
(Originally published in English as Wastelands of Fire by Forest Books, 1990, out of print)

2) Infant Splendor. Poems by Ku Sang, Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Paintings by Jung Kwang. (The title is linked to a complete online edition of poems and paintings since the book was only printed in 1000 copies, and will never be republished. The combination of paintings and poems deserves to be better known.)

Seoul: Samseong Publishing Co, 1990        (Out of print, click here for the full text on-line without the paintings)

3) River and Fields: a Korean Century. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taize
London: Forest Books, 1991     (Out of print, full texts on-line: Christopher's River   Diary of the Fields)

4)  Even the Knots on Quince Trees Tell Tales. 2004. A bilingual edition Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.   

DapGae (Seoul) Full text online

5)  Eternity Today. Seoul: Seoul Selection. 2005.

(A selection of poems from the various volumes, translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé, organized according to themes: Mystery of Meeting, River, Fields, Sin and Grace, and Eternity Today.)

Full text online


Kim Kwang-kyu 김광규
(1941 - )

Kim Kwang-kyu was a Professor of German literature until he retired. His first poetic activity involved the translation of German poetry into Korean, an activity which he has continued until now, to great acclaim. This gave him the impulse to start writing Korean poetry in a style owing nothing to Korean poetic conventions. Heine, Eich and Brecht taught him the value of subtle humor in writing satirical poems and his early work was hailed for its skill in mocking the military dictatorships. Much of his work is concerned with the mediocrity of life in conformist society as compared to youthful dreams and ideals, but viewed with rueful smiles rather than anger. He is now one of Korea's senior poets, but he has never belonged to any particular group or clique.

Read about Kim Kwang-kyu (1941 - ). Read extracts from Faint Shadows of Love

1)  Faint Shadows of Love. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. 

London: Forest Books, 1991  (For ever out of print, see next items)

2)   The Depths of a Clam. Selected poems by Kim Kwang-Kyu. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.

Buffalo: White Pine Press, 2005.

Translated in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim. This selection includes a good number of poems previously published in Faint Shadows of Love, as well as poems from other collections published since then.   ISBN 978 I 893996 43 4  Order from

3)    A Journey to Seoul: Selected poems by Kim Kwang-Kyu  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. A bilingual edition by DapGae (Seoul). 2006.

The poems in this volume were either previously published in Faint Shadows of Love or were translated later but were not included in The Depths of a Clam

Full text online.

 Ko Un 고은
(this links to his own Home Page in English or Korean)
 (1933 - )

 Korea's best-known poet, worldwide, his  works have been translated into at least 15 languages so far. His life has taken dramatic turns; born in rural western Korea, became a Buddhist monk during the Korean War, then quit to become a nihilist, in the 1970s he became the main spokesman of the opposition to dictatorship, he was arrested at the coup in 1980 and spent 2 years in prison. Since the 1980s he has published an enormous number of books--many kinds of poetry, novels, essays . . . and since the 1990s he has travelled widely, giving electrifying readings in almost every continent. His 30-volume Maninbo (Ten Thousand Lives), a celebration of every person he has ever encountered, is due to have its last 4 volumes published early in 2010.

Many poems by Ko Un have been published in reviews. For a list of these, and for links to articles and reviews etc about his work, please click here.

Click here for a comprehensive biography of Ko Un   Click here for an extensive 2012 article by Brother Anthony, The Poetic Work of Ko Un   giving an overall survey of Ko Un's career and a critical  discussion of his work.

Read more about Ko Un (1933 - ).   Read extracts from The Sound of My Waves / What? / Maninbo

1) The Sound of my Waves  Selected Poems, translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim.

A bilingual edition by DapGae (Seoul) and Cornell East Asia Series, 1996.  (Originally published in English only by Cornell East Asia Series, 1993, out of print) You may buy this through  Seoul Selection's home page.

2)    What? : 108 Korean Zen Poems.Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim (First published in 1997 as Beyond Self) Berkeley: Parallax Press, 2008 Table of Contents

Out of print. Full text online


3)    Little Pilgrim. A Buddhist novel. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 2005.(Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim) Order from

ISBN 1 888375 43 4    Read my article : Ko Un's Little Pilgrim (Hwaom-kyong): A Modern Korean Pilgrim's Progress

This edition is an abridged version of the original. Full translation online.

<small>Korean Literature: Translations by Brother Anthony</small>

5)  Flowers of a Moment. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim and Gary G. Gach

 BOA Editions, Lannan Translation Series. 2006.  Cloth  ISBN: 1-929918-87-9  Paper:  ISBN: 1-929918-88-7 Order from BOA   or from 

4)   Ten Thousand Lives. A selection from Volumes 1 - 10 of Ko Un's monumental series Maninbo Table of Contents Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim and Gary G. Gach. With an Introduction by Robert Hass. Green Integer 123. Kobenhavn & Los Angeles: Green Integer Press. 2005. ISBN  I 933382 06 6

Please order direct from Green Integer, the publisher. Read a very kind online review in See my essay in World Literature Today, and a paper about Maninbo marking the project's completion early in 2010.

6)       Songs for Tomorrow. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim and Gary G. Gach   Table of Contents

Green Integer Kobenhavn & Los Angeles: Green Integer Press. 2009. ISBN 1 933382 70 8 (photo does not show actual cover design!)
Please order from the publisher rather than from!The printed version is out of print, a digital edition can be ordered from the publisher.  

7)    차령이 뽀뽀 / ChaRyong's Kiss. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha.

바 우솔 Ba-U-Sol Publishing. Seoul. 2011.

8)     Himalaya Poems. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha.

Green Integer Kobenhavn & Los Angeles: Green Integer Press. 2011. ISBN: 978 1 55713 412 7.
Please order from the publisher rather than from! See Publisher's catalog page for ordering print edition and page for ordering digital edition

9)   First Person Sorrowful. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha.

Bloodaxe Books. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland UK. 2012.  ISBN: 978 185224 953 6.   Read online reviews: The Quarterly ConversationShearsman Books.

10)   Maninbo: Peace & War. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha.

Bloodaxe Books. Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland UK. 2015. ISBN: 978-1780372426

See my essay in World Literature Today, and a paper about Maninbo marking the project's completion early in 2010.

11) (20) Poems by Ko Un. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha

ASIA Publishing K-Poets Series No. 1.  2017. ISBN:979-1156623195

12) Ten Thousand Lives: Maninbo Volumes 21-25   Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha

Green Integer Kobenhavn & Los Angeles: Green Integer Press. 2022. ISBN: 978-0-940650-00-8.

13) Ten Thousand Lives: Maninbo Volumes 26-30   Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Sang-Wha

Green Integer Kobenhavn & Los Angeles: Green Integer Press. 2022. ISBN: 978-1933382425.

 So Chong Ju  서 정주
(1915 - 2000).

 For many years Korea's leading poet, Midang gave recognition and encouragement to a very large number of young poets. He was always strongly inclined to the conservative side and enjoyed great power during the dictatorships; this brought a hostile reaction when democracy came. His early poems were intensely lyrical and of great power but their impact can hardly be conveyed in translation. Later poems seem shallow by comparison, and there is little agreement as to what his enduring legacy will be.

The Early Lyrics, 1941-1960. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. A bilingual edition published by DapGae (Seoul) and Cornell East Asia Series, 1998   (Originally published in English by Forest Books, London in 1991) . You may buy this through  Seoul Selection's home page.
This book contains the complete text of Midang's first four volumes, which may be viewed online:
    Flower Snake Poems    Nightingale    Selected Poems of So Chong-Ju   Essence of Silla

Read about Midang, So Chong-ju (1915 - 2000). Read extracts from Early Lyrics 1941-1960

Full texts online:
Flower Snake Poems
Selected Poems of So Chong-Ju 
Essence of Silla

  Yi Mun-yol 이문열
(1947 - )

Yi Mun-yol is one of Korea's leading novellists. The defection of his father to the Northern side in the Korean War meant that his family had to suffer discrimination and suspicion in the years following. He was unable to complete the university studies he wished and as a result became an independent autodidact, fascinated by the Chinese classics and belonging to no identifiable clique, although always politically conservative. His works have sometimes been very popular, especially Son of Man, his first major novel, but they have had little resonance in translation and remain little known outside of Korea.

  The Poet. Translation by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Chung Chong-hwa.

London: The Harvill Press 1995. Harvill were bought up by RH and the copies transferred to Random House: Vintage  2001  ISBN 1 86046 896 9

 Son of Man. Translation by Brother Anthony of Taizé

Dalkey Archive, Library of Korean Literature. 2015 ISBN: 978-1628971194

Click here for reviews

  Ch'on Sang-pyong 천상병
(1930 - 1993)

Chon Sang-pyong was as an excentric character, unable to hold a job and with an innocence that left him extremely fragile. His friends used to give him small sums to keep him going. Arrested and tortured because some of his friends had visited the North Korean embassy in East Berlin, he nearly died in 1970, had a serious breakdown the following year, and only survived thanks to the care of a friend's sister who lived with him as a Platonic wife for the last 20 years. His poems are delightful and devoid of all pretense.

Back to Heaven.Translation by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim)

Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Series, 1995 (English only) also available in a bilingual edition published by DapGae (Seoul) and Cornell East Asia Series in 1996  You may buy this through Seoul Selection's home page.

Read about Ch'on Sang-pyong (1930 - 1993). Read extracts from Back to Heaven   

Full text online 

Read Ch'on's Notes on Writing Poetry    Read other articles about Chon

See also, below,  My Husband the Poet by Mok Sun-Ok, Ch'on Sang-Pyong's wife, in which she tells her own life story and that of her husband.


  Shin Kyong-Nim 신경림
(1935 - )

Shin wrote a few poems then vanished for 10 years, working as a building laborer, a salesman, among the rural and urban poor. He published Farmers' Dance to great acclaim among the writers who advocated socially aware poetry and continued to write powerful poetry with powerful rhythms. He is now one of Korea's senior literary figures.

Farmers' Dance.Translation by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim

A bilingual edition published by DapGae (Seoul) and Cornell East Asia Series. 1999. 

Full text online

Read my article : Methodologies of Poetry Translation:Translating Shin Kyong-nim's Mokkye- changt'o
Read my article : The Poetry of Shin Kyong-Nim
Read my article :  Poetic Diversities: Social Dimensions of Korean Poetry
Read about Shin Kyong-nim (1935 - ). Read extracts from Farmers' Dance

 Kim Su-Young 김수영
(1921 - 1968),

 Shin Kyong-Nim (1935 - ),
 Lee Si-Young (1949 -)
Three writers linked in some ways yet distinct, born 13 years apart. Kim's accidental early death was a serious blow to the reforming wing of Korean writers. Shin (see above) and Lee were among the writers opposing dictatorship and suffering accordingly during the 1980s.

Variations / Three Korean Poets.  Translation by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Young-Moo Kim)

Published in 2001 by Cornell East Asia Series.

Read about, and see all the poems by Kim Su-Young, a sample of poems by Shin Kyong-NimLee Si-Young

Read my article : . Poetic Diversities: Social Dimensions of Korean Poetry

  Lee Oyoung 이어령
(1934 - )

Lee was Korea's first Minister of Culture at the time of the Olympic Games. A polymath of great ability, he wrote a small number of stories in the 1960s and published a volume of poetry recently. Otherwise, he is better known as a thinker and a cultural commentator.

The General's Beard. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.

Published in 2002 by Homa & Sekey. Dumont, NJ, USA

Contains two novellas,
Full texts are online "The General's Beard" & "Phantom Legs

 The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry. Edited by David R. McCann.

Columbia University Press, New York. 2004   ISBN 0 231 11128 2 (cloth)  0 231 111129 0 (paper)

A number of the poems by various poets in this book were translated by me (see a list).

  Kim Young-Moo 김영무
(1944 - 2001)

Young-moo Kim was a professor of English literature who began to write poetry quite late. He published 3 volumes. We worked together on my early translations, then he developed lung cancer and died soon after the publication of his 3rd volume, mostly devoted to his illness and the time he spent in Australia before he died.


Virtual Reality. A bilingual edition published by DapGae (Seoul). 2005. You may buy this through  Seoul Selection's home page.
(Translation by Brother Anthony of Taiz
é in colaboration with Jongsook Lee)

Read some poems from  Virtual Reality. Read about  Kim Young-Moo.

Full text online

  Mok Sun-Ok 목순옥
(1936 - 2010)

Mok Sun-ok was the wife of the poet Chon Sang-Pyong (see above). She grew up in Hiroshima, her father was killed by the atomic bomb on August 6 1945. Her care for the poet continued after his death and she continued to run "Kwichon", the little cafe in Insa-dong she first opened in 1985, while promoting his memory in a variety of cultural festivals etc.


My Husband the Poet: by Mok Sun-Ok.Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.  Seoul Selection (Seoul). 2006.

This book tells the story of the life of the wife of Ch'on Sang-Pyong, mainly focussing on the years when she cared for him in great poverty,

Full text online

  Chonggi Mah 마종기
(1939 - )

Chonggi Mah has lived in the United States for many years, working as a doctor and teaching in medical school. He has now retired. He wrote poems in Korean and published them in Korea throughout his life abroad and is highly regarded as a poet in Korea.

Eyes of Dew: Selected Poems by Chonggi Mah. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.  Buffalo: White Pine Press. 2006.
Read about Chonggi Mah and see 5 sample poems.  

Full text online

Children with disabilities
Poems for Planting Love: written by the students of the special schools founded by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé (bilingual) Seoul Selection. 2008

The poems can also be read at Poems for Planting Love but the book is full of paintings and royalties on every copy you buy go to help the children.

  Kim Yeong-Nang 김영랑

Kim spent most of his life in Gangjin (South Jeolla Province) but moved to Seoul after 1945 and was killed in the early months of the Korean War, not yet 50, having written most of his poems during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1919-1945). In Korea he is celebrated for the lyrical musicality of his style but this bilingual edition of his complete poetic work makes plain his commitment to Korean independence from Japan as well as his anguish at the fratricidal violence that Korea experienced between 1945 and 1950.


Until Peonies Bloom: The Complete Poems of Kim Yeong-Nang. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.   Portland: MerwinAsia. 2010

Read three poems by Kim Yeong-Nang

Full text online


Three Korean Tea Classics
Yi Mok's ChaBu, Cho-Ui's ChaSinJeon and DongChaSong translated by by Brother Anthony of Taizé, Hong Keong-Hee, Steven D. Owyoung.

This richly annotated and illustrated book contains the Chinese text and translations of 3 fundamental texts of Korean Tea culture:  ChaBu, Rhapsody to Tea  by Hanjae Yi Mok; ChaSinJeon, A Chronicle of the Spirit of Tea and DongChaSong, Hymn in Praise of Korean Tea by the Venerable Cho-ui. It includes short biographies of the two masters of the Korean Way of Tea. Published by Seoul Selection. ISBN: 9788991913660

  Kim Seung-Hee 김승희
(1952 - )

Kim Seung-Hee was born in Gwangju (South Jeolla Province) and studied at Sogang University (Seoul), where she is now a professor in the Korean Department. As a poet, she is often described as a "feminist surrealist."


Walking on a Washing Line. Bilingual text. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé in collaboration with Lee Hyung-Jin.  Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Series

Read some poems by Kim Seung-Hee including 2 from Walking on a Washing Line

Hope is Lonely by Kim Seung-Hee. Bilingual text. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Introduced by John Kinsella. Arc Publications. (Visible Poets 45)  2021.  ISBN: 9781911469766

  Hong Yunsook 홍윤숙
(1925 - 2015)

Hong Yunsook was born in northern Korea. She is one of Korea's most celebrated senior poets. She received the 2012 Ku Sang Literary Award.

Sunlight in a Distant Place. Bilingual text. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Edited by Chan E. Park.  Foreign Language Publications. The Ohio State University. 2012.
  Ynhui Park 박이문
(1930 - 2017)

 Ynhui Park is better known in Korea by his pen-name Park Imun (박이문). He did a first doctorate on French literature in the Sorbonne then moved to the US and did a second PhD on Merleau-Ponty. He taught philosophy for 20 years at Simmons College in Boston before returning to Korea. He is one of Korea's foremost philosophers. He has also published several volumes of poetry in Korean as well as one of poems he wrote in English.

Shadows of the Void. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.   Seoul Selection. 2014.

Sample poems

Full text online

  Lee Si-Young 이시영
(1949 - )

Lee Si-Young was born in Masan-myeon, Gurye-gun, South Jeolla province, in 1949. His first volume of poetry was published in 1976. For more than 20 years he was managing editor of Changbi publishers. He is now Professor in charge of the International Creative Writing Center at Dankook University and President of the Korean Writers Association. Translations of a selection of his earlier poems were included in the volume Variations (no. 10 in the list above)


Patterns. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé with Yoo Hui-Sok.   Green Integer. 2014.

A review in Words Without Borders

Read 10 poems from Patterns

  Kim Soo-Bok 김수복
(1953 - )

Kim Soo-Bok was born in Hamyang, South Gyeongsang Province, Korea, in 1953. He graduated from the Korean Language and Literature Department of Dankook University, Seoul, and continued his studies there to the completion of his doctorate. His first poems were published in 1975. His published poetry collections include Jirisan taryeong (Ballad of Mount Jiri, 1977); Naje naon bandal (Half moon appearing by day, 1980); Saereul gidarimyeo (Waiting for birds, 1988); Ttodareun saweol (Another April, 1989); Gidohaneun namu (Praying Trees, 1989); Modeun gildeureun noraereul bureunda (All the roads are singing, 1999); Sarajin Pokpo (The vanished waterfall, 2003); Umurui nundongja (The eye of the well, 2004); Dareul ttara geonda (Walking after the moon, 2008); Oibak (Sleeping out, 2012). He has received the Pyeonun Award and the Award for Lyric Poetry. He is at present a professor in the Creative Writing Department of Dankook University.

Beating on Iron. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé

Green Integer. 2015

Read 10 poems from Beating on Iron


The Colors of Dawn: (an anthology of) Twentieth Century Korean Poetry, guest-editors Brother Anthony of Taizé and Chung Eun-Gwi

Works by 44 poets!

Table of Contents

Manoa, General Editor Frank Stewart. University of Hawai'i Press  2016
  ISBN 978-0-8248-6622-8

The book can be ordered from U Hawai'i Press through

See also Project Muse

 Do Jong-Hwan 도종환
(1954 - )

Do Jong Hwan was born in 1954 in Cheong-ju, North Chungcheong Province, he became a published poet some years after he began work as a high school teacher. The death by cancer of his wife in 1985, just two years after they married, and a few months after the birth of their second child, inspired him to write a volume of love poems, Hollyhock You, which brought him critical acclaim and instant fame. It has sold over one million copies. He has been a member of the main opposition party in the Korean National Assembly since 2012. He has received a number of major literary awards, including the 2009 Jeong Ji-yong Award, the 2010 Yun Dong-ju Award, the 2011 Baek Seok Award, and the 2012 Gong Cho Award.

No Flower Blooms Without Wavering, poems by Do Jong-Hwan, translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Jinna Park

Seoul Selection, 2016

Read 10 poems by Do Jong-Hwan

To buy this book

 Oh Sae-Young 오세영
(1942 - )

Oh Sae-young was born in Yeonggwang, South Jeolla Province, in 1942. He studied at the Korean Language and Literature Department of Seoul National University, where he later taught for many years as a professor. He is now an Emeritus Professor there. He began his literary career in April 1965, when his first poems were published in the review Hyeondae Munhak. He has published some twelve volumes of poetry as well as a number of volumes of literary essays. He has received several awards for his work.

Night-Sky Checkerboard  Poems by Oh Sae-Young, Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé    Phoneme Media  2016    ISBN: 978-1-939419-47-7

Read a review by Mark Magoon in the Chicago Review of Books

Read a review by John W. W. Zeiser in Words without Borders

Read a review by Theophi Kwek in Asymptote

Read 10 poems from Night-Sky Checkerboard

Shim Bo-Seon 심보
(1970 - )

Shim Bo-Seon was born in Seoul in 1970, studied sociology at Seoul National University, and received his PhD from Columbia University, New York. He made his debut in the Chosun Ilbo Annual Spring Literary Contest in 1994 and published his first collection, Seulpeumi opneun sip o cho (Fifteen Seconds without Sorrow), in 2008. This was followed by Nunape opneun saram (Someone Not in Sight ) in 2011 and Geueurin yesul (Smoked Art) in 2013. He is currently a professor of Culture and Art Management at Kyung-Hee Cyber University. He is also a member of the Twenty-First Century Prospect Writer's Group.

Fifteen Seconds Without Sorrow  Poems by Shim Bo-Seon. Translated by Chung Eun-Gwi and Brother Anthony of Taizé

Parlor Press  2016   ISBN: 978-1602358355

Read 10 poems from Fifteen Seconds Without Sorrow

Jeong Ho-Seung 정호승
(1950 - )

Jeong Ho-seung is the most widely read and loved poet in Korea today. His poems express the joys and sorrows of life in ways that are immediately accessible to people of all ages. Born in Hadong, South Gyeongsang Province, in 1950, Jeong Ho-Seung grew up in Daegu. He graduated from the Korean Language and Literature Department of Kyung-Hee University in Seoul, where he also completed a Master’s degree. He gained recognition as a poet when he won a Spring Literary Award from the Joseon Ilbo newspaper. In 1982 he won a similar award for a work of fiction but his literary career has been focussed on poetry.
His first published poetry collection was Seulpeumi gippeumege (Sorrow to joy, 1979); this was followed by Seoului yesu (Seoul’s Jesus, 1982); then came Saebyeok pyeonji (Dawn letter, 1987), Byeolteureun ttatteuthada (Stars are warm, 1990), Saranghadaga jugeobeoryeora (Love, then die, 1997), Oerounikka saramida (Human because lonely, 1998), Nunmuri namyeon gichareul tara (If tears flow, take a train, 1999), I jalbeun sigan dongan (During this short moment, 2004), Poong (Embrace, 2007), Bapgap (Earing My Keep), 2010, and Yeohaeng (Journey, 2013). He received the Seoul City Literary Award in 1989. He has also received the Jeong Ji-yong Literary Award, the Pyeonun Literary Award, the Sanghwa Poetry Award and the Gongcho Literary Award.

To buy this book

A Letter Not Sent  Poems by Jeong Ho-Seung. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Susan Hwang.  Seoul Selection  2016.     ISBN: 978-1-62412-075-6

"I have spent the last hours reading your marvelous translations of Jeong Ho-seung’s poems, with a mixture of wonder, admiration, and pure delight." (Christopher Merrill, Director, International Writing Program, University of Iowa)

Read 10 poems by Jeong Ho-Seung

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Though flowers fall, I have never forgotten you  Poems by Jeong Ho-Seung. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Susan Hwang.  Seoul Selection  2016.     ISBN: 978-1-62412-077-0

Read 10 poems by Jeong Ho-Seung

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Loving, by Jeong Ho-seung. Translated by Brother Anthony. Seoul Selection 2020. ISBN: 9781624121395

To buy this book

Lonesome Jar: Poetic Fables by Jeong Ho-seung. Translated by Brother Anthony. Seoul Selection.  ISBN: 9781624121326

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Ko Hyeong-Ryeol 고형렬
(1954- )

Ko Hyeong-ryeol was born in 1954 in Sokcho, Gangwon-do, on the East coast of Korea just south of the DMZ, at the foot of Mount Seorak. After leaving high school he began to work as a manual laborer in Jeju Island, breaking stones for the construction of a highway. In 1974 his father died and he had to take responsibility for his family so he returned to Sokcho and became a clerk in the office of a small rural district nearby. After eight years, already recognized as a poet, he went up to Seoul and in 1985 began to work as Editor-in-Chief responsible for poetry in the Changbi publishing company. He held this position for some twenty years before retiring in 2005. He now lives in Yangpyeong, to the east of Seoul.
He published his first poems in the review Hyeondae munhak (Contemporary Literature) in 1979. He has published multiple volumes of poetry
. He has received a number of awards, including the 55th Modern Literary Award; the Baekseok Award; the Jihun Literary Award; the Republic of Korea Culture and Arts Award; the Hyeongpyeong Literary Award. He was the chief editor of the magazine Sipyeong from 2000 until 2013; from 2000 he played a leading role in organizing and participating in the activities of the “Korea-ASEAN Poets’ Literature Festival.” He is currently chief editor of the review Hyeondae Sihak (Modern Poetry).

Grasshoppers' Eyes: Poems by Ko Hyeong-Ryeol. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Lee Hyung-Jin.  Parlor Press  2017. ISBN: 978-1602359420 

Read 10 poems from Grasshoppers' Eyes

Lee Seong-Bok 이성복

Born in Sangju, in the North Gyeongsang Province of Korea, in 1952, Lee Seong-bok studied in the Department of French Language and Literature at Seoul National University, completing his studies there with a Ph.D. He was for many years professor of French at Keimyung University in the city of Daegu. He then was appointed professor of Creative Writing. at the same university. He retired in 2012 and is now an Emeritus Professor there.

He made his literary debut in 1977 with the publication of the poem “At a Familiar Brothel.” His first collection of poems, When Does a Rolling Stone Awaken? (뒹구는 돌은 언제 잠 깨는가 duingguneun doreun eonje jam kkaeneunga) was published in 1980. Other volumes include South Sea Silk Mountain (남해금산 namhaegeumsan, 1986), The End of Summer (그 여름의 끝 geu eoreumui kkeut, 1990), Memories of a Holly Tree (호랑가시나무의 기억 horanggasinamuui gieok, 1993), Traces of Waves on the Moon’s Brow (달의 이마에는 물결무늬 자국 darui imaeneun mulgyeolmunui, 2003 / 2012), etc. In 2003, he published Ah, Mouthless Things (아, 입이 없는 것들 a, ibi eopneun geotdeul), from which the poems translated in this collection are taken. In 2013 he published Raeyeoaebandara (Come and Share Sorrow 래여애반다라 raeyeoaebandara,). He has also published a number of volumes of poetic theory and other prose writings, the most recent being the three volumes published in 2015: Poetry of the Polar Regions (극지의 시 geukjiui si), Words at Odds (불화하는 말들 bulhwahaneun maldeul) and Endless Blooming (무한화서 muhanhwasa). He received the 1982 Kim Su-young Literary Award, the 1990 So-wol Poetry Award, the 2004 Daesan Literary Award, the 2007 Hyundai Literary Award, and the 2014 Yi Yuk-sa Poetry Award. 

Since his first poem was published in 1977, Lee Seong-bok has impressed readers with his opulent images of free association, unexpected transformations charged with aroused feeling and calling. The poetic world he presents, sometimes flamboyantly and sometimes serenely, is composed by events or scenes revealing the secrets of lives.

Ah, Mouthless Things:  Poems by Lee Seong-Bok. Translated by Eun-Gwi Chung, Myung Mi Kim, and Brother Anthony of Taizé.  Green Integer  2017. ISBN: 978-1-55713-440-0

Read 10 poems from Ah, Mouthless Things

Ahn Do-Hyun 안도현

Ahn Do-Hyun was born in 1961 in Yeocheon, Korea, and graduated from Wonkwang University where he studied Korean literature. His writing career took off when he won the Daegu Maeil Shinmun Annual Literary Contest with his poem 'Nakdong River' in 1981 and the Dong-A Ilbo Annual Literary Contest with his poem 'Jeon Bong-jun Goes to Seoul' in 1984. Ahn also received the 1996 Young Poet's Award and the 1998 Kim So-wol Literature Prize.

(20) Poems by Ahn Do-Hyun. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.

ASIA Publishing K-Poets Series No. 2.  2017. ISBN:979-1156623205

Kim Jong-Gil 김종길
(1926- 2017)

Kim Jong-Gil was born in 1926 near Andong. He was first recognized as a poet in 1947. He studied at Korea University, Seoul, and became a professor in the English Department there in 1958. In 1960 he went to England for a year. In 1969 he published his first collection of poetry, having already published a volume of translations of modern British poetry in 1954. He retired from Korea University in 1992. In 1993 he was elected a member of the Korean Academy of Arts. Other collections of his own work were published in 1986, 1997, 2013. A revered figure, he translated much modern English-language poetry into Korean as well as a a good number of Korean poems into English. In 2013 he published a volume of selected poems 솔개 "A Black Kite." He died on April 1 2017, a couple of weeks after the death of his wife.

A Black Kite. Poems by Kim Jong-Gil.  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé with Kim Jong-Gil

MerwinAsia. 2017.   ISBN: 978-1937385354 Distributed by University of Hawai'i Press.

Read 10 poems from Black Kite
Ahn Sang-Hak 안상학현

(20) Poems by Ahn Sang-Hak. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé.

ASIA Publishing K-Poets Series  20183. ISBN:979-11-5662317-5

Kim Sa-in (1955) 김사인
Kim Sa-in was born in Boeun, North Chungcheon Province, in 1955. He has published three collections of poetry, Night Letters (bame sseuneun pyeonji, 1987), Liking in Silence (gamanhi joahaneun, 2006), and Beside a Baby Donkey (eorin dangnagui gyeoteseo, 2015), collections of criticism, including  A Deep Reading of the Novels of Park Sang-Ryung (2001), and essays, A Warm Bowl of Rice (2006).  Following time in prison in the early 1980s he began writing poetry and co-founded the magazine "Poetry and Economy." In late 2010 he participatied in the University of Iowa's International Writing Program. Among his awards are the Sin Dong-Yeop Grant for Writing (1987), the Modern Literature Prize for poetry (2005), and the Daesan Literature Award for poetry (2006).  Since early 2018 he is the Director of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea.

Liking in Silence  Poems by Kim Sa-In  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Susan Hwang      Buffalo: White Pine Press.2019.

ISBN: 978-1945680342

Read some poems from  Liking in Silence

Yoo Anjin (1941) 유안진

Yoo Anjin is a senior Korean writer, highly esteemed as a poet, essayist and novelist. She was born in 1941 on the outskirts of Andong, North Gyeongsang Province. In 1970 her first collection of poetry was published, the first of 19 collections she has published so far. In 1978 she became a professor at Dankook University in Seoul. In 1978 she also published her first collection of essays. In 1981, she became a professor of Children’s Studies in the Domestic Science College of Seoul National University. While she continued to publish poetry and essay collections, her first novel, “Anemones Do not Wither,” was serialized in a literary journal, published, and then adapted as a popular television series. In 2012 she became a member of the National Academy of Arts. She has received many prestigious literary awards.

As I Walk Alone  Poems by Yoo Anjin. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Yu Chang-Gon.  MerwinAsia. 2020.

ISBN: 978-1937385743

Read some poems from  As I Walk Alone

An Hyeon-mi 안현미

Deep Work: a collection of new poems by An Heon-mi. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2020


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Ahn Joo-cheol 안주철

Feeling Never Stops: a collection of new poems by AhnJoo-cheol. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2020

ISBN: 979-1156625155

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Kim Soo-yeol 김수열

Homo Maskus: a collection of new poems by Kim Soo-yeol.  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2020

ISBN:  979-1156625278

Purchase from Online Bookstore

Park Nohae (1957-) 박노해

Park Nohae was born in 1957 in Hampyeong, South Jeolla Province. His original name was Park Gi-pyeong. While working as a laborer in various factories in his 20s, he began to reflect and write poems on the sufferings of the laboring class. He then took the pseudonym Park Nohae (No = ‘labor,’ Hae = ‘liberation’) and published his first collection of poems, 노동의 새벽 (Nodongui Saebyeok) Dawn of Labor, in 1984, under that name. For seven years he was active underground, helping establish the 'South Korean Socialist Workers’ Alliance' in 1989. Finally arrested in 1991, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. While he was in prison, a second poetry collection was published, 참된 시작 (Chamduin sijak) True Beginning (1993), followed by a third, 사람만이 희망이다 (Sarmamani huimangida) Only a Person Is Hope (1997). He was finally freed after being amnestied in 1998 by President Kim Dae-Jung. Withdrawing from his previous role, he helped establish a social organization Nanum Munhwa “Culture of Sharing” with Koreans concerned with the great challenges confronting global humanity. In 2003, at the United States’ invasion of Iraq, he went with other peace activists to protect helpless civilians and promote peace. In 2006 he was in Lebanon on a similar peace-making mission and publicly opposed the dispatch of Korean combat troops to the Middle East. From the start he combined poetry-writing and photography, as he went to many countries that were suffering from wars and poverty, such as Palestine, Kurdistan, Pakistan, Aceh (Indonesia), Burma, India, Ethiopia, Sudan, Peru and Bolivia. In 2010 he held his first exhibition of photos, “Ra Wilderness,” and since then he has continued to hold exhibitions to draw public attention to global issues of poverty, human values, and warfare.

걷는 독서  Reading While Walking Along a bilingual collection of over 400 aphorisms with photos.  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. 느린걸음 2021

ISBN:  978-8991418318

Dawn of Labor. Poems by Park Nohae. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé and Cheehyung Harrison Kim.  University of Hawaii Press.

.ISBN: 978-0824895648

For more about Park Nohae see my page about him with some poems

The Letters of Saint Andrew Kim Dae-geon Translated by Brothers Anthony and Han-Yol of the Community of Taizé. The Research Foundation of Korean Church History. 2021.

ISBN: 979-1185700342(03230)

Watch a video of my RAS lecture about St Andrew Kim

Lee Sul-ya  이설야

Cave Boys: a collection of new poems by Lee Sul-ya.  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2021

ISBN: 979-1156625674

Purchase from Online Bookstore

Moon Dong-man 문동만

Thinking Less About Sad Things: a collection of new poems by Moon Dong-man.  Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2021

ISBN: 979-1156625933

Purchase from Online Bookstore

J. M. Lee  이정명

Broken Summer by J. M. Lee Translated by An Seon Jae  Amazon Crossing 2022  
ISBN 978-1-6625-0528-7

To be published September 1 2022

Publishers Weekly Review

Lee Geum-yi 이금이

Lee Geum-yi (Korean: 이금이) is a Korean author. Since her debut in 1984, she has written more than fifty works. In the early days of her career, she mainly wrote children's stories set in rural areas. Lee Geum-yi made her official debut as an author in 1984. In 2018, she was selected for the IBBY Honour List for Can’t I Go Instead?

The Picture Bride by Lee Geum-yi Translated by An Seon Jae 2022
  ISBN 978-1250808660

North American edition: Forge Books
Australian and UK edition: Scribe

Can't I Go Instead by Lee Geum-yi Translated by An Seon Jae 2023
  ISBN  978-1250808660

North American edition: Forge Books

Australian and UK edition: Scribe

Sin Yong-mok 신용목 (1974-)

Born in Geochang, South Gyeongsang Province, Korea, in 1974, Sin Yong-Mok received a new writers award in 2000 and has published six collections of poetry, a volume of prose essays, and a novel. He received several awards for his work prior to the collection When Someone Called Someone I Looked Back (2017), which received the 2017 Baek Seok Award for Poetry. He is currently a professor in the Creative Writing Department of Chosun University, Gwangju, South Jeolla Province.

Concelaed Words, poems by Sin Yong-mok translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Black Ocean 2022 (Moon Country Korean Poetry Series)

ISBN: 978-1939568335

The Letters of the Venerable Father Thomas Choe Yang-eop. Translated by Brothers Anthony and Han-Yol of the Community of Taizé. The Research Foundation of Korean Church History. 2022.


Kim Ilyeon 김일연 (1955)

After graduating from the College of Education at Kyungpook National University, she worked as a middle school teacher and later as a reporter for Maeil Shinmun, a daily newspaper based in Daegu. Having published poems from the age of 15, Kim became a sijo (a form of Korean traditional poetry) poet after being introduced in the journal, Sijo munhak (Sijo Literature), in 1980.

All The Daughters of The Earth, Sijo poems by Kim Ilyeon, translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Seoul Selection. 2023.

ISBN: 9781624121524

Im Seong-sun 임성순

Im Seong-sun is a writer, the author of ten books. His first novel, The Consultant, was awarded the 2010 Segye Ilbo Literary Award, and his short story 'The Sheeple Wandering a Gallery and Their Predators' won Korea's Young Artist Award. Seong-sun's sci-fi novel Ouroboros earned him the Korean SF Award.

The Consultant by Lee Seong-sun, translated by An Seon Jae. Raven Books (Bloomsbury). 2023.

ISBN: 978-1526654144

Song Kyeong-dong 송경동

I'll Write Again Tomorrow a collection of new poems by Song Kyeong-dong. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2023

ISBN: 9791156626558

I Am Not Korean poems by Song Kyeong-dong. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Parlor Press. 2025. 

ISBN: 978-1643175072
Kim Byung-ho 김병호

Love Songs Sung with the Body a collection of new poems by Kim Byung-ho. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. Asia 2023

ISBN 9791156626572

Yi Gi-cheol 이기철

Tears, Such Beautiful Waterdrops (눈물, 그토록 아름다운 물방울) Poems by Yi Gi-cheol. Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé. 솔과학 2025.

ISBN: 9791173790003

Translations completed or in process that have still to find a publisher

The Dolph
in who Went South by Ahn Do-hyun (novel)

Maninbo 1-10: Home Village by Ko Un

I am Lonely, so I am Human by Jeong Ho-seung

Sorrow Came by Special Delivery by Jeong Ho-seung

The Hour Farthest from Noon by Do Jong-hwan

I Made a Dreaming Sound and Fell Asleep by Song Kyeong-dong


5. 공지영 높고 푸른 사다리 Gong Ji-young   High, Blue Ladder (complete)
6. 공지영 먼 바다  Gong Ji-young  The Open Sea (complete)
7. 임성순 극해  Im Seong-sun  Antarctic Mutiny
8. 권정현 칼과 혀  Kwon Jeong-hyeon  Blade and Tongue (complete)
9. 정유정 진이, 진니  Jeong You-Jeong Jini, Jinny (complete)
10. 염승숙 어떤 나라는 너무 크다 Yum Seung-Sook Bingo Game (complete)
정유정 28 Jeong You-Jeong 28 (complete)
박영 일음 없는 사람들 Park Young  Nameless People (complete)
이정명 선한 이웃 JM Lee Good Neighbors (complete)
김중혁 당신의 그림자는 월요일 Kim Jung-hyuk Your Shadow is a  Monday (complete)
15. 임성순 오히려 다정한 사람들이 살고 있다 Im Seong-sun Rather Kind People (complete)

For a large Anthology of 20th-century Korean literature in preparation by KLTI, I have translated :

Garuda by Yi Mun-Yol,
Watching Father by Ch'oe Yun,
Variations on Darkness by Kim Won-Il
The Five Bandits by Kim Chi-Ha
The Shower by Hwang Sun-Won
The Battle of Dragon with Dragon by Sin Ch'ae-Ho
Nakdong-gang by Cho Myong-Hui
Sanch'onch'omok (Mountains, Rivers, Plants, Trees) by Yi Hae-Jo
Hwangt'ogi (Red Clay Diary) by Kim Tong-ni

and a variety of poems:

Kim Ki-rim  "Weather Chart"  Sim Hun "When that Day Comes"  Manhae Han Yong-Un "I saw you"  "Love’s Last Act"  Kim Hyŏn-sŭng "Plane tree"  Pak Mok-Wŏl  "Orchid"  Pak Yong-Nae "Evening Snow"  Pak In-Hwan "The Black River" Han Ha-Un "Chŏlla-do Road"  "Barley Flute"  Hwang Dong-Gyu "Snow Falling in the South"  Im Hwa  "The Black Sea Straits"  Yi Sang-Hwa "Morbid Season"   Kim Ch’un-Su "Honeysuckle Leaves"  Yi Pyŏng-Gi  "Manp’okdong"  Chŏng Chi-yong "Sea  9" Kim Chi-Ha “Empty mountain”  Kang Un-Gyo “I Love you”  Kim Tong-Hwan “Night at the Frontier (Part 1)”  Yi Yong-Ak “Cholla maid” &  “Offerings in moonlight” Kim Yong-Nang “The cuckoo”  Ko Un “Fatherland stars”  Kim Nam-Ju “A handful of ash” & “Mister Poet's words”  Kim Yong-T'aek “That girl's house”  Lee Si-Young “Preface”   Chang Chong-Il “Shampoo fairy” & "Dad"  Yi Mun-Jae “The last dawdler” & “The roof of the old house where we used to live”

Translations online not published elsewhere

The Crane by Hwang Sun-Won

Winter that Year  by Yi Mun-Yol
 Translations published in periodicals or anthologies

1. Ten Poems by Kim Su-yong
Korea Journal Vol.37 No. 1 Spring 1997 pages 137-142

2. Ten Poems by Shin Kyong-nim
Korea Journal Vol 37 No. 2 Summer 1997 pages 121-128

3. Su Chung-in: The Plain
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation)  Vol. 11 No.2 Summer 1997 pages 93-102

4. Poems by Ku Sang & Lee Hae-in
Divine Inspiration: The Life of Jesus in World Poetry. Oxford University Press. 1998

5. "Aspects of Diaspora in Modern Korean Poetry" by Sunghui Kim, translated by Brother Anthony (An Sonjae)
A chapter in Diaspora in Korean (Immigrant) Literature. Ed. Seong-Kon Kim and So-Hee Lee.  The International Association of Comparative Korean Studies and Seoul National University American Studies Institute. 2004. (Contains a number of poems by Kim Donghwan, Im Hwa, Jeon Bonggeon, Bak Namsu, etc.)

6. Poems by Ko Un, Kim Kwang-Kyu, Shin Kyong-Nim
The Poetry of Men's Lives: An International Anthology, edited by Fred Moramarco and Al Zolynas. University of Georgia Press. 2004.

7. Poems by Ko Un, An Do-Hyon, Ku Sang, Midang So Chong-ju have been included in the developing online anthology The Other Voices International Project

8. A chapter from Hwangjini by the north Korean novelist Hong Seok-jung in Literature from the Axis of Evil: Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea and other enemy nations. (A Words Without Borders anthology) New York: The New Press. 2006

9. Kim In-Suk: That Woman’s Autobiography

Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 21, No.3 Autumn 2007  pages 88-99

10. Translations of 5 poems each by Ko Un, Kim Seung-Hui, Yi Si-Young and Chonggi Mah are included in the first issue of Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture (Korea Center, Harvard University, 2007)

 11. Translations of 5 poems each by Ko Un, Kim Seung-Hui, Yi Si-Young and Chonggi Mah and 10 poems by Ynhui Park are included as a special "Contemporary Korean Poetry in Translation" section of Damn the Caesars Vol.3 (2007) published in Buffalo NY edited by Richard Owens.

12. Ko Un's poem "Memoirs" and Min Yeong's poem "Before the Grave of the Poem Kim Nam-Ju" are included in Che in Verse, edited by Gavin O'Toole and Georgina Jimenez, Aflame Books, 2007.

13. Poems for Planting Love (A PDF file for Adobe Acrobat)  Very touching and beautiful poems by physically and visually impaired children attending schools run by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill in Gwangju and Chungju (Korea) (also published as a book by Seoul Selection, see above)

14. Jeon Seong-Tae: The Forest of Existence
 Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 21, No.4 Winter 2007  pages 88-99

15. Park Min-Gyu: Korean Standards
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 22, No.1 Spring 2008  pages 88 - 99  (See Introduction)

16. Nine poems by 3 Korean poets, and poems by Kim Kyŏng-Ju, all published in 2006 (from a 2008 KLTI Anthology) Poems by Lee Jang-Wook (with the Korean texts).

17. Jeong I-Hyeon: Sampung Department Store 
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 22, No.2 Summer 2008  pages 88 - 99  (See Introduction)

18. Ku Hyo-sŏ:  A Bale of Salt 
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture
(The Korea Foundation) Vol. 22, No.4 Winter 2008  pages 88 - 99  (See Introduction)

19. JO Kung Ran: Bought a Balloon
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 23, No.1 Spring 2009  pages 88 - 99 (see Introduction)

20. Kim Junghyeok: Library of Instruments
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 23, No.3 Autumn 2009  pages 90 - 99 (see Introduction)

21. Lee Seung-U: The Storyteller's Tale
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 24, No.3 Autumn 2010  pages 85 - 95 (See Introduction)

22. Kwon Yeo-sun: Pink Ribbon Days
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 24, No. 4 Winter 2010 pages 88 - 99. (See Introduction )

23. Poems by 20 Korean poets translated by Eun-Gwi Chung and Brother Anthony of Taizé  in  Cordite Volume 35 ozko-hanguk-hoju (Cordite is an Australian poetry review)

24. Kim Mi-wol: Guide to Seoul Cave
 Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 25, No.3 Autumn 2011  pages 92 - 99 (Includes Introduction)

25. Five Poems by Kim Sa-in:  Cosmos Flower, Someone Who Makes a Bridge Feel Lonely, Springtime Sea, A Flower, Rice Cake,
Azalea (Harvard) Vol 4 2011. pages
77 -

26. Kwon Ji-ye: Blue Crab Grave
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 26, No.1 Spring 2012 pages 86 - 98

276. Kim Yeon-su: New York Bakery
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 26, No. 3, Autumn 2012, pages 92-103. (See Introduction)

28. Park Wan-suh: That Boy's House
Koreana: Korean Art & Culture (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 27, No.1 Spring 2013 pages 88 - 99

29. Bang Hyeon-seok: Off to Battle at Dawn.  Translated by Brother Anthony with Dafna Zur. Seoul: Asia Publishers, Bilingual Edition, Modern Korean Literature 020.

30. Paik Ga-huim: Geun-won, As Such
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 27, No.3 Autumn, 2013. Pages 86 - 99. (See Introduction)

Kim Kyung-uk: Dangerous Reading
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 28, No.3 Autumn, 2014. Pages 86 - 99. (See Introduction)

32. Kim Sa-in: Four poems (End of Mourning, Rainy Season, Springtime Sea, A Flower) published in The Iowa Review Volume 43 Number 3, Winter 2013/4  pages 41 - 44

33. Cho Hae-jin: Light’s Escort
Koreana: Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 29 No. 1, Spring 2015, pages 86-99.

34. 5 poems by Sin Yongmok were published in Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture (Korea Center, Harvard University, Volume 5 (2012) ages 143-9

35. 5 poems each by Kim So-yeon, Park Sangsoon, Gang Jeon, Kim Haeng-suk & Yi Yeong-gwang were published in Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture (Korea Center, Harvard University, Volume 8 (2015)

Kim Sum: Noodles
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 29, No. 3 Autumn, 2015. Pages 92 - 103.

37. Poems published in volumes of Asia: The Quarterly Journal of Asian Literature
Volume 36: Two poems by Moon Chung-Hee
Volume 37: Two poems by Bok Hyo-geun; Two poems by Bang Min-ho
Volume 38: Two poems by Lee Kyeong-lim; Two poems by Hwang In-chan.

Volume 40: Two poems by Kim Yong-taek; Two poems by Kim Sung-gyu.
Volume 49: 5 Poems by Kim Yong-Taek
Volume 50: 5 Poems by Kim Seung-Hee
Volume 53: 5 poems by Lee Jang-Wook

38. Lee Ze-ha: The Wayfarer Never Rests on the Road
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 30, No. 1 Spring, 2016. Pages 86 - 102.

39. Kim Mi-wol: Plaza Hotel
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 30, No. 3 Autumn, 2016. Pages 90 - 103

40. Gu Hyo-seo: In the Mood for Love.

Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 31, No. 1 Spring, 2017. Pages 90 - 102.

41. Poems published in Modern Poetry in Translation No.3 2016 "The Blue Vein" with a special "Focus on Korean Poetry"
3 poems by Ko Hyeong-Ryeol: "I Commemorate Devastation," "A Speeding Word" and "Run, Tiger!"
4 "Untitled Poems" by Ko Un: 7, 73, 141 and 151.

42. The texts of the translated poems included in the picture books (mainly for children) published by 빠우솔 Grass & Wind Publishing

43. Kim Yeon-su:  Mi in April, Sol in July
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 31, No. 3 Autumn, 2017. Pages 94 - 102.

44. Kang Young-sook: Incurable
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 32, No. 2 Summer, 2018. Pages 94 - 103.

45. 4 poems published in Wasafiri Volume 33, Number 4, 2018 (special Korean issue)
(links just to poems)

46. Ki Jun-young: Gate 4
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 32, No. 4 Winter, 2018. Pages 92 - 102.

47. Kim Ae-ran: The Utility of Landscapes
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 33, No. 2 Summer, 2019. Pages 91 - 103.

48. Kim Dong-ni: Mildawon Days
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 33, No. 4 Winter Pages 90-103.

49. Park Chan-Soon: Festival of Ashes.
Koreana: Korean Culture &  Arts
(The Korea Foundation) Vol. 34, No. 2 Summer, 2020 Pages 92-103.

Kim Se-hee: Vertigo Published in Koreana: Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 34, No. 4 Winter 2020, pages 92-103.

51. Kim Soom: Birth of a Rat. 
Published in Koreana: Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 35, No. 2 Summer 2021, pages 94-103.

52. Choi Jin-young: The Chair. (PDF)  Published in Koreana: Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 35, No. 4 Winter 2021, pages 94-103.

53. Kim Mi-weol: Ex-Lover’s Gift Bazaar Published in Koreana: Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation) Vol. 36, No. 2 Summer 2022, pages 92-102

54. Hyejin Kim: Mi-Ae (PDF) Published in Koreana:Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation)   Vol. 36 No. 4,
Winter 2022 Pages 92-102.

55. Gu Byeong-mo: Autopoiesis (PDF) Published in Koreana:Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation)   Vol. 37 No. 2, Summer 2023 Pages 92-103.

56. Moon Ji Hyuck: When We Cross the Bridge. (PDF) Published in Koreana:Korean Culture & Arts (The Korea Foundation)   Vol. 37 No. 4, Winter 2023. Page 94-102.

Also my translations of Yi Oryong's The General's Beard and Fantom Legs, as well as of selected works of a number of different poets (see below) and novelists were published in Korean Literature Today (Korean PEN/KCAF).

Some poems by individual poets, many published in KLT. (See a fuller list of my translated Korean poetry here)

An Do-hyon

An Sang-hak (added 2006)

Chong Sei-hun

Chon Pong-gon

Chon Yang-hui

Hong Yun-suk

Hwang Dong-kyu

Hwang Ji-U

Kim Chang-ho

Kim Chi-ha

Kim Chŏl (added 2006)

Kim Chun-su

Kim Hyon-sung

Kim Ju-T'ae (including his lament for Kwangju 1980)

Kim Nam-jo

Kim Nam-Ju (including his lament for Kwangju 1980)

Kim Sung-hui

Kim Yeong-seung  (added 2007)

Kim Yong-Taek (including his lament for Kwangju 1980)

Lee Hyong-ki

Lee Ka-Rim (added 2009)

Lee Song-bu

Mun Dok-su   [The Postman]

Oh Sae-young

Yu Kyong-hwan

Yi Su-ik

The translations linked to this page are all Copyright of Brother Anthony, and may be quoted in the normal way with proper attribution, but may not be re-published in printed or electronic form without the translator's permission.

Articles on various aspects of Korean literature and translation

(Links in the titles give access to the full English text of certain articles)

1. Ku Sang: Authenticity and Commitment
in Korea Journal (Korean National Commission for UNESCO)
Volume 29:3 1989 pages 23-33

2. The Poetic Vision of Kim Kwang-kyu
in Transactions (Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch) 66 (1991)

3. Ko Un's Hwaom-kyong: A Modern Korean Pilgrim's Progress
in Transactions (Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch) 70 (1995)

4. 'The Foreignness of Language' and Literary Translation
in Journal of English Language and Literature
(The English Language and Literature Association of Korea)
Special Number 1996

5. Translation in Practice: A Comedy of Errors
in Munhakkwa ponyok (Yonsei University Literary Translation Study Center)

6. Methodologies of Poetry Translation:
Translating Shin Kyong-nim's Mokkye-changt'o
in Hanguk munhakui Woiguko ponyok
Seoul: Minumsa 1997

7. Translating the Korean Novel
in In Other Words (The Translators Association)
Winter - Spring 1997 no 8/9 pages 72 - 4

8. From Korean History to Korean Poetry: Ko Un and Ku Sang
in World Literature Today
Volume 71 No. 3 Summer 1997 pages 534 - 540

9. Translating Korean Literature: The Reality (in Korean)
in Pen kwa mun hak (Korean PEN)
No. 42, Spring 1997

10. Translating Korean Poetry
in the review Modern Poetry in Translation (King's College, London)
Volume 13 (1998)

11. A Well-Kept Secret: Korean Literature in Translation
in Pictorial Korea

12. Poetic Diversities: Social Dimensions of Korean Poetry
in Language, Culture and Translation: Issues in the Translation of Modern Korean Literature. Centre for Korean Studies, School of East Asian Studies, Universiy of Sheffield. 1999.

13. The Poetry of Shin Kyong-Nim
in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch, 1999.

14. Korean Literature
in P. France, ed., Oxford Guide to Literary Translation in English, Oxford: OUP, 2000.

14. So Chong-Ju and Ko Un: Much Ado About Something
in The Korea Times, June 6, 2001

15. Literary Translation from Korean into English: A Study in Criteria
in Translation and Literature,.University of Edinburgh. Volume 11, Part 1 (Spring 2002) 72 - 87

16. Translating and the Translated : Putting Korean Literature on the World Scene
(in Korean translation) in the Korean monthly review Munhak SasangLiterature & Thought 2004. 3. pages 154 - 164

17. Translating Korean fiction into English: theory and practice
A talk given at an international conference on Korean Language Education and Korean Literature across the World, organized by the Kookmin University Language Research Institute, Kookmin University, Seoul on November 19 2004. Not likely to be published.

18. Pain and Truth: A pilgrimage with some Korean poets
in Kyoto Journal, 60, July 2005

19. After Frankfurt : Globalizing Korean Literature Continues
(published in a Korean translation) in Munhak Sasang (Literature & Thought) December 2005. pages 299 - 305

20.  Songs for Tomorrow: Korean Poetry.  A talk / poetry reading given in Kyoto (Japan) at the invitation of the editors of Kyoto Journal, January 22, 2006.

 21. The publication of translations of Korean literature in English. A presentation given at the start of a discussion at a conference on translation in Ewha Womaens University, Seoul, in mid-2006.

22. Book review of : Hahn, Moo-Sook, And So Flows History. Translated by Young-Key Kim-Renaud. Published in Acta Koreana Volume 9 Number 2 (July 2006. Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea) Pages 202 - 211

23. Translating Korean Literature. A short text for the Changbi Weekly Commentary, a blog run by the Korean publishing company / review. Available online in Korean translation

24. Translating Modern Korean Poetry. A paper presented at the 1st World Translators' Conference "Korean Culture in Europe: Achievements and Prospects" organized by LTI Korea, held in Seoul September 13-14, 2007.

25. Translating Literature in the 21st Century. A paper presented at the Fall 2007 Conference of the 21st century English Language and Literature Association of Korea held in Joseon University, Gwangju, September 15, 2007.

26. Buddhist-Christian perspectives in Korean poetry.  An essay published in the Autumn 2007 issue of The Japan Mission Journal (Tokyo: Oriens Institute for Religious Research) pages 204 - 216.

27. The Joys of Translating: A lecture given to the Korean Open Cyber University on December 15, 2007.

28. Korean Patriot and Tea Master: Hyodang Choi Beom-Sul (1904-1979)  in the International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture (Dongguk University, Seoul), Volume 10, February 2008. pages 59 - 86

29. Translating Contemporary Korean Poetry and Evaluating Translations. An expanded essay based on a presentation given during a translation workshop at Seoul National University in the summer of 2008. Not published.

30. Spatial Limitations in the Translation and Globalization of Korean Poetry. A paper given at the 2008 Manhae Festival, published in Korean in the journal Siwa Simunhak

31. The Perfect Translation: Impossible Dream. A paper presented at a conference about translation held in Dongguk University, Seoul, November 29, 2008, and quoting portions of the previous text.

32. Medievalism and Joan Grigsby’s The Orchid Door, in Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Volume 17, No. 1 (2009) pp. 147-167.

33. Ko Un’s Maninbo : History as Poem, Poem as History, in World Literature Today, January / February 2010 pp. 43-46.

34. Ko Un in the English-Speaking World. A report presented at the symposium marking the completion of Ko Un's Maninbo in Seoul Press Center, April 9, 2010)

35. Two Korean Tea Classics Compared: Yi Mok’s ChaBu and Cho-ui’s DongChaSong. Published in: Comparative Korean Studies Vol. 18 No. 1 (2010) Pages 7-34

36. A review of John Holstein's A Moment’s Grace: Stories from Korea in Translation. Cornell East Asia Series 148. Ithaca, NY: East Asia Program, Cornell University. 2009. First published in the Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, (2011) pages 95 – 101.

37. An interview about Translating Korean Literature in the online review Asymptote (Summer 2011)

38. The Early Years of the RASKB: 1900 - 1920 in Transactions of the RASKB, Vol. 85, 2010, 131- 149

39. Tea in Early and Later Joseon  in Transactions, Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch, Vol. 86, 2011,  119-142.

40. The Poetic Work of Ko Un: Comparing the Incomparable in  Comparative Korean Studies (The International Association of Comparative Korean Studies) Vol. 20, No. 1, April 2012, pages 365-413.

41. Translating Korean-ness: Thoughts on Korean Poetry in Translation  A paper presented at an International Comparative Literature Symposium held in Keimyung University, Daegu, on May 27, 2016.

42. Translating Korean Poetry. A presentation read at the 3rd Korean Writers Forum in Gyeongju on September 14, 2017. [also translated into Korean]

43. Literary Translation: Creating World Literature. A paper read at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies on September 15, 2018.

44. Translating Korean Poetry: History, Practice, and Theory European Journal of Korean Studies Volume 18, No. 2 (2019), pp. 153–166.

45. Poetry in Translation: Live Sparrow or Stuffed Eagle?   A paper read at Hanyang University, Seoul, on May 25, 2019

46. Translation: Connecting the World, Promoting Peace   Opening Address at the International Literature Festival held in Kathmandu (Nepal) December 27-29, 2019

47. Park Nohae: Poet Militant, Poet Inspirational. An essay in the April issue of Asymptote.

48. Brother Anthony Translates: the PDF file of a Powerpoint used for a lecture to RAS Korea on December 8, 2020. Or view the video  It covers in 1 hour most of my translating activity over 30 years.

49. A History of Korean Literature, mainly Fiction, in English Translation. The text and Powerpoint slides and the Video of a Zoom presentation for our Seoul Colloquium in Korean Studies given on June 10, 2021.

50. Modern Korean literature as seen by a translator. Video. This lecture was a part of the SNU Kyujanggak Summer Workshop 2021 and its release was approved by the SNU Kyujanggak ICKS.

51. The Foreignness of Language and Literary Translation. A retrospective essay on reaching the age of 80. Published in The Journal of English Language & Literature. (ELLAK). Vol.68 No. 1  March 2022. Pages 193-208.

52.  Long Forgotten Stories of Translation: Part One & Long Forgotten Stories of Translation Part Two   (About Islamic translations of Greek philosophy etc after visitng Cordoba & Toledo late in 2018)

53. Korean Literature: its Translation into English. An unpublished draft.

54. 1866: A Year to Remember? Or Better Forgotten?   Published in RAS Transactions Volume 98 2024

A few other articles about Ko Un and Chon Sang-Pyong 

You may like to read an unpublished article that includes a summary history of the main developments of Korean poetry in earlier centuries and up to 1945 and suggests some ways in which this history continues to influence the writing and reading of poetry in Korea today.

The text of a short book (not by me) summarizing the main characteristics of 20th-century Korean literature   It can be very useful.

Korean Literature Today

I helped publish the first five volumes of a quarterly review Korean Literature Today, most volumes of which have been put online. KLT contains translations of Korean poetry, fiction, drama, with occasional critical essays. There is an Alphabetical Index of the whole series with links to all that is available online.


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Tel. (82) (02) 591-8267  Fax 594-0464

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