In 1850 these were all the known letters. Others have since been published in various places. They will be added when possible.

From: Memorials of the Empire of Japon in the xvi and xvii Centuries, ed. with notes by T. Rundell. London: Hakluyt Society. 1850.
Part II. The Letters of William Adams 1611 to 1617. Pages 17 – 88.




The first letter sent by William Adams for England, he thus addresses : "TO MY VNKNOWNE FRINDS AND COUNTRI-MEN : dessiring this letter by your good meanes, or the newes or copie of this letter, may come into the hands of one, or manny of my acquayntance in LIMEHOVSE or else wheare, or in KENT in GILLINGHAM, by ROCHESTER."


Probably through the agency of their Factors recently settled at Bantam, two copies of the letter were transmitted to the "Worshipfull Felowship of the Merchants of London trading into the East Indies"; and in the sequel it will be perceived the communication led to the opening of commercial intercourse between England and Japon. Purchas has given a version of this letter (Pilgrims, vol. i, page 125, etc.) ; but it is to be viewed as a loose paraphrase only. In the variations he has adopted, erroneously or capriciously, the sense is not unfrequently destroyed; and the unaffected earnestness which characterizes the original, is rarely preserved. The version now given is founded on two manuscript copies, preserved among the records of the East India Company. Many of the variations between the printed and manuscript copies are noted; but to exhibit the whole, it would be necessary to print the two versions in juxtaposition, which would occupy more space than seems adviseable.

Letter 1
To the "Worshipfull Felowship of the Merchants of London trading into the East Indies"

Letter 2
A letter to his wife

Letter 3
To my assured good frind Augustin Spalding, in Bantam,

Letter 4
Letters invoking the visit of Captain John Saris, in command of the Clove

Letter 5
A second letter from William Adams, dated in December 1613

Letter 6

To the hounarabell Sir Thomas Smyth, knight, gouernour of the Est Indes Coumpani in Loundoun
Conclusion (the death of William Adams).