Medieval and Early Modern English Studies
Volume 22 No. 1 (2014)

 1.  Hyunyang Lim.  Pilate’s Special Letter - Writing, Theater, and Spiritual Knowledge in the Digby Mary Magdalene     page(s): 1-20  [Abstract]   PDF file of text

 2.  이동춘. 축제의 제전(祭典)으로서 『캔터베리 이야기』- 「방앗간 주인의 이야기」를 중심으로   page(s): 21-47   [Abstract]   PDF file of text
       [Dongchoon Lee. The Canterbury Tales in terms of a Road Festival as Reflected in The Miller’s Tale]
3.  Jongsook Lee.  Numinous or Dead? Real Presence, Iconoclasm, and Pygmalion’s Image in Shakespeare     page(s): 49-67 [Abstract]   PDF file of text

4.  이미영.  칩사이드의 정숙한 처녀』 - 칩사이드를 중심으로    page(s): 69-93    [Abstract]   PDF file of text
     [Mi Young Lee.  Cheapside in A Chaste Maid in Cheapside]
5.   Chanmi Ko.  English Tacitism and Ben Jonson’s Sejanus his Fall   page(s): 95-119    [Abstract]   PDF file of text

6.  Jaemin Choi.   John Bunyan as a Dissenter   - A Study of Dissenting Literature in the Restoration      page(s): 121-141 [Abstract]   PDF file of text