Chanmi Ko. English Tacitism and Ben
Jonson’s Sejanus his Fall page(s): 95-119
This paper inquires into the relation between the reality of
Jacobean politics and the rise of English Tacitism. King James I’s
unruly desire to extend his prerogatives brought about the
encroachment upon old liberties of the commons and freedom of
speech. The Jacobeans were prompted to seek a voice warning of the
dangers of royal misrule, when they recognized the potential
perils of James’s prerogatives. Tacitism served as a rallying cry
against the incipient tyranny, as Tacitus’s historiography was
based on antipathy towards tyrannical rule, and as its method was
to critique the present state through parallels between the past
and the present. James’s reign was characterized as a tug of war
between the King and the adherents of Tacitism, as the tension
between the two heightened. This paper investigates this power
struggle between the monarch and the English Taciteans through a
study of Sejanus, where Ben Jonson uses Tacitus as a means of
political criticism. Jonson adopts the Tacitean method in his work
by uncovering a true picture of his times through depictions of
similarities between Tiberian Rome and James’s England. Not only
in the place of Jacobean court but also in the literary world did
English Taciteans strive to offer political
Keywords Tacitism, Tacitus, Lipsius, James I,
Jacobean England, Ben Jonson, Sejanus his Fall