
 이동춘 건축과 공간의 양면성: 초서의 「기사의 이야기」와『트로일러스와 크리세이더』를 중심으로  49 ~ 66  Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Volume 25 No. 1 (2017)
    [Lee, Dong Choon  Double-Sidedness of Architecture and Space in Chaucer’s “Knight’s Tale” and Troilus and Criseyde]

A wall was an ideal image for the civilizing power of art as well as the condition of stable culture in classical and medieval times. Above all, it served to make division between the inside and the outside, while symbolically contrasting the inside with the outside in terms of value and meaning; the former symbolized the civilizing forces like harmony and civilization, while the latter symbolized the disruptive ones like chaos and violence. However, the architectural constructions including walls appear to execute two functions in Chaucer’s literary works like The Knight’s Tale and Troilus and Criseyde. A primary function of the architectural constructions in Chaucer's works is not simply to make division between the inside and the outside, but to make contact and communication between them possible. In The Knight’s Tale, it is not easy to make a obvious distinction between the spaces that a wall divides; the disruptive forces of the outside space such as disorder and violence from which the wall protects the inside are permeated even in the inside. Moreover, the central effect of a wall in Chaucerian narratives is the double-sidedness; a wall as a threshold object simultaneously invites and discourages connection. In Troilus and Criseyde, a contrast is drawn between the determinate and fixed meaning within the walls and the dangerous and disruptive forces that lie beyond them. However, Troilus and Criseyde goes even further in describing the behaviors and conditions within the walls in order to reveal the blurring of the differences between the inside and the outside.

Architecture, Space, permeability, “The Knight’s Tale”, Troilus and Criseyde