최예정. 여성, 마법, 그리고 궁정 - 『가웨인 경과 녹색기사』     (Yejung Choi. Woman, Magic and the Court in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)


This study tries to analyze the role and the meaning of woman and magic in King Arthur"s court in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. This study focuses on the fact that the poem which begins with a sudden appearance of a magical being ends in the erasure of the presence of the supernatural and Morgan, its motivating force, while highlighting the unity and the renown of the Round Table. First, this study examines the feminine text in which the dynamic of the desires and actions of Guenevere, Lady, and Morgan are inscribed. Though their presence is consistently marginalized or almost erased, the symbolic and substantial power of women is palpable in the text. Secondly, this study focuses on the simultaneous invocation and revocation of the presence and power of magic. This study points out the absence of the demystification or disenchantment scene in the work which are usually found as a conventional feature in romances as well as of the explication of the extent and the nature of the might of Morgan. Finally, this study focuses on the process of negotiation, revision of meanings which is presented to be the crux of the subsistence of the identity of the Arthurian court. Marginalization at once of woman and magic is central to the revisionism prevalent in the Arthur"s court. Renegotiation, compromise, re-valorization and revision are the key to the hermeneutics of Camelot. 
Key words
 여성, 마법, 궁정, 가웨인, 녹색기사, 모르간, 귀네비어, 아서왕, 수정주의, woman, magic, court, Gawain, Green Knight, Morgan, Guenevere, Arthur, revisionism