John Lance Griffith, Britomart’s Spear and Merlin’s Mirror -
Magics Meaningful and Meaningless in Faerie Queene Book
III pp. 75~91 ( 17 pages)
This essay examines the function and symbolism of magic in the
narrative of Britomart, the female knight in Edmund Spenser’s Faerie
Queene. Though she is not herself magical, the initial episode in
Book III where we first encounter Britomart does link her to magic
in interesting ways. We realize how Spenser invests the idea and
image of magic with meanings that develop important themes in
Britomart’s (and indeed Spenser’s overarching) story. I argue that
the way in which this section of the poem repeatedly de-emphasizes
the significance and the power of magic cleverly allows Spenser at
once to advance an argument for Elizabeth’s greatness (as a virtuous
queen) and for his own (as a poet of a significant power rivaling
that of any wondrous magic recorded in romance).
저자 키워드 Key words
Magic, Britomart, Spenser, Faerie Queen, Elizabeth I