강선미, 사랑이라는 이름의 궤변: - 『장미 이야기』에 나타난 남성 환상과 여성혐오의 자기해체
page(s): 115-138 (24 pages)
(Sunmi Kang, Sophistry Named Love : Male Fantasy and the
Self-Cancelation of Misogyny in Le roman de la rose )
The medieval courtly allegory par excellence, Le roman de la rose is
at once scandalously anti-feminist and relentlessly self-revealing.
The poem (especially the second part completed by Jean de Meun) is
saturated with misogynist tirades, but it is still sober and
intelligent enough to elucidate that the gist of courtly love is the
male fantasy fueled by misogyny, and that such fantasy is nurtured
by the desire that is distinctively narcissistic. The poem’s
quasi-scholastic, dauntingly sophisticated rhetoric eventually
proves to be self-canceling and self-destructive: the discrepancy
between words and things, representation and reality, characterizing
the poem thwarts its own discursive attempt to vilify and
domesticate women.
저자 키워드 Key words
『장미 이야기』, 궁정식 사랑, 남성 환상, 자기애적 사랑, 여성혐오, 자기해체, 크리스틴 드 피잔, Le
roman de la rose, courtly love, male fantasy, narcissistic love,
misogyny, self-cancelation, Christine de Pizan.