이상엽, 존 던의 양성평등적 사랑   pp. 69~94 ( 26 pages)
  (Sangyeop Lee, John Donne’s Gender-Equal Love )


Donne, breaking from the Petrarchan view of woman and of love, tries to achieve harmony not only between man and woman but also between body and soul. He thinks that it is very unrealistic to see the female image as a chaste and heavenly woman who is supported and reinforced by society and its literary conventions. Such a female image usually robs woman of her true, human beauty and of her true virtue. As far as man is concerned, it also confines him to a role of submissive and hopeless suitor. Donne believes that the distorted image of woman and her relationship with man hinders true love or communion between them. Therefore, he tries to understand both sexes on the same condition, namely, gender equality based on the meaning of true human being. For example, Donne in his poetry introduces an unfaithful woman who betrays and doesn’t feel guilty. He refers to such a woman as is not true to love as a sign of the futility of moral and spiritual values that don’t have true understanding of human nature. And he also subverts the false conception that soul is superior to body in order to take a new and true picture of human being. 
 저자 키워드   Key words
 던, 페트라르카풍의 사랑, 여성혐오, 양성평등, 육체, 영혼, 조화, Donne, Petrarchan love, misogyny, gender equality, flesh, soul, harmony