김윤경, “견실한 선”에 대한 모색 : 존 밀턴의 1640-50년대 소네트 연구   pp. 195~227 (33 pages)
  (Younkyung Kim, Exploring “Solid Good”: An Examination of John Milton’s 1640-50s Sonnets)


Though John Milton kept on writing sonnets during the busy years of the English Civil War, his sonnets have been relatively ignored by scholars partly because his sonnets do not look like a proper sonnet sequence. This paper examines several sonnets that Milton composed in the 1640s and 1650s, noting how the poet addressed his audience in these sonnets which resemble a social discourse.
  In the sonnets dedicated to his close associates, such as Henry Lawes or Catherine Thomason, Milton uses the literary conventions of occasional poetry in the manner of Ben Jonson and Cavalier poets. When Milton praises the cultural excellence or religious, social virtues of his addressees, whose political views often differ from his, he takes a tolerant attitude and, by highlighting those exemplary figures, tries to sketch the historical development of his country.
  In contrast, some of Milton’s 1640-50s sonnets evince direct influences of the Civil War. Inheriting the classical satire or epigram and imitating the political pamphlets of the period, in these sonnets Milton denounces political enemies or extols the virtue of the Republican leaders. When he criticizes problematic religious policies or the reactions to his divorce tracts, he utilizes the colloquial tone and sensational images, or new formal features like the coda. Milton’s judgment on and praise of the contemporary political figures such as Oliver Cromwell or Henry Vane stresses their critical roles in uncertain times and the diverse political, religious virtues required in the Civil War.
  Milton’s sonnets addressed to his close friends are characterized by their conversational tone and the theme of common experience of convivial times. In these particularly “social” sonnets, he emphasizes the balanced, humbled attitude toward the troublesome world and the calm appreciation of the mirth provided by the provident, beneficial God. 
 저자 키워드  Key words
 존 밀턴, 소네트, 영국내전, 정치시, 행사시, 사회적 양식, John Milton, sonnet, the English Civil War, political poetry, occasional poetry, social mode