A list of Korean academic associations with interests in the Middle Ages

1. 한국 중세철학회 Societas Philosophiae Mediaevalis Coreana, The Korean Society of Medieval Philosophy

The Korean Medieval Philosophy Society has perhaps 60 members, meets 2 –3 times a year and has published a journal 중세철학논문집 (Papers in Medieval Philosophy) for the past 10 or so years, written entirely in Korean though with abstracts in English. Aquinas, Scotus and Bonaventura, together with Okham and Abelard, are the main topics of interest.

2. 한국서양중세사학회 The Korean Society for Western Medieval History

Founded in May 1996, this Association has over a hundred members, including graduate-school students and affiliated foreign scholars. It holds regular meetings at which papers are presented, usually four time each year, but 5 times in 2003. It has published a journal, 서양중세사연구 Studies in Medieval Western History, twice a year since 1997, and has now published 12 volumes. It seems to have no relationship with any scholarly association outside of Korea, and has so far never invited a foreign scholar to address any of its meetings.

3. 한국영어학학회 The English Linguistics Society of Korea

    The Society for the History of the English Language was founded in 1993 as a forum for this interest. In 2002 it changed its name to the English Linguistics Society of Korea and among its 150-or-so members are a number whose main research interests are in medieval English. It too publishes a journal 영어학연구 Studies in English Linguistics, and organizes two conferences each year; a number of its senior members are active internationally in related associations.

In addition, papers on topics related to medieval literature are sometimes presented at the conferences and published in the journals of the following associations: 한국영어여문학회 The English Language and Literature Association of Korea (http://www.ellak.or.kr/), 한국밀턴과 근세영문학회 Milton and Early Modern English Studies (http://www.memes.or.kr/), 고전르네상스영문학회 The Classic and English Renaissance Literature Association of Korea (http://www.renaissance.or.kr) and 한국 문학과 종교 학회 The Korean Society for Literature and Religion (http://www.kslr.or.kr/).