Engravings of the 1866 French Expedition based on drawings by Henri Zuber

From various sources than Le Tour du Monde

The French forces land at Gapgotjin (the only landing on the eastern side of Ganghwa Island) on October 14, 1866.

A 'mandarin' from Ganghwa township arrives in the afternoon of October 14 in the rain to ask the French to leave, the French find the hats amusing.

A sketch of Ganghwa township

Captain d'Osery leads a force to survey the approach to Ganghwa township on October 15, the Koreans fire on them without success.

The attack against the East Gate and the capture of Ganghwa township on October 16.

The French take control of the Government office and the remains of the royal palace in Ganghwa on October 16.

Ambush at the South Gate of the Munsu-sanseong fortress, opposite Gapgotjin, on October 26, when 3 French sailors were killed.

The French ships leave Gangwa on November 11, sailing past Gwangseong fort.