Group 5 : 박재인, 박화영, 양재성, 이미선, 이수라, 이후로, 차승민

    No sooner had the boy seen the girl than he recognized that she was Yoon Cho-si's grand-grand daughter. She was playing near the brook with her hands dipping in it, as if she had never seen it before in Seoul. In recent days, she had been playing near the brook on her way home from school. One different thing between yesterday and today was the place changing from the bank to the middle of stepping stones. He was finally sitting in the bank, waiting for her getting out of the way. Fortunately, there was one pass-by and she gave way to me. Next day he came to the place lately rather than yesterday.

    After she washed up for a long time, she looked into the water intently. It may have mirrored her face in the water. All of sudden, she scooped up water as if there had been fish. Whether she knew his existence or not, she continued to do it repeatedly. All her efforts were in vain. As if she enjoyed this situation, she scooped up the water repeatedly. It seemed that she gave her way only if there was a pass-by. In the meantime, she picked out something out of water. It was a white pebble. And then, she sprang to her feet and crossed the stepping stones. Completely crossing them, she turned and said, "You fool!" The pebble was thrown to me. He stood up in spite of himself.

    Fluttering her short hair roughly, the girl was running. She came into a field of reeds. Besides her, there were only reeds flowers that were shinning under the cool and clear autumn. This was almost the time when the she would come out with her short hair, which was just like the field of reeds. Quite a long time had passed. But still she did not appear. Still after the stretch, time passed a lot. Up there in the field, handful reeds flower moved. The girl was carrying ears of reeds. And now, it was a very slow walk. The especially bright autumn sunshine glittered in her hair. It looked as if it were the flower instead of her walking the plain. The boy was standing there until he could not see the reeds flower. Suddenly, he saw the pebble that the girl threw. It was dried. The boy picked it up and put it into his pocket.