Group 2:   김남원  김민정  유희종  한연주  허기열

Upon seeing her on the edge of the brook, the boy soon recognized she was a great-granddaughter of Yoons'.
She was dabbling in the water with her hands, as if she had never seen this kind of rivulet in Seoul.
For days, the girl had been playing with water on the boy's way home after school.
She had been on the brook-edge, but today, in the middle of stepping stones.
He chucked himself to sit down on the bank, waiting for the girl to move aside.
Luckily, thanks to a passenger who was going to go through the stepping stones, she moved back.
The next day, he came to the brook somewhat later than usual.

She was washing her face in the middle of the stepping stones.
With her pink sweater rolled up, her nape was pure white.
Washing her face for a while, this time, she stares into the water.
She might be reflecting herself in the water.
Suddenly, she scooped the water with her hands, as if a tiny fish is passing by.
She kept scooping the water, whether noticing his presence or not.
In vain every time.
As if she enjoyed as it is, she went on and on.
She seemed not to move until any passenger appears like yesterday.

Then she picked up something from the water, a white pebble.
She suddenly stood up, and crossed the stepping stones hopping.
On the other side of the brook, she turned to him and said. "Stupid."
She threw the peddle toward him.
Boy sprang up unconsciously.
With her bobbed-hair fluttered in the wind, Girl ran to get in the path by a step between the edge of reed field.
Beyond her, only reed flowers were shinning in the sun on this clear and cool autumn day.
Now she would show up over there, edge of reed field. .
It seemed a good while.

Still, the girl didn't show up.
 He stood on tiptoe.
It seemed a considerable amount of time had passed.
A bundle of the reed flowers moved on the edge of the field.
The girl was holding the reed flowers.
 It was now a slow walk.
The unusually clear autumn sunlight sparkled on her reed flowers.
It seemed like the reed flowers, not the girl, were walking along the field path.
The boy stood still until he couldn't see the reed flowers anymore.
Suddenly, he looked at the pebble she had thrown.
It was dry.
He picked it up and put it in his pocket.


1.소나기에 쓰인 시제의 느낌을 어떻게 표현해야 할지 어려웠다.

2.한글로도 어려워서 잘 이해가 안되는 부분을 번역을 하려니 어려웠다.

예를 들면 “분홍스웨터 소매를 걷어 올린 목덜미가 마냥 희었다.” 는 소매를 걷어올렸는데 왜 갑자기 목덜미가 나와서 이것을 영어로 어떻게 표현해야할지 난감했다.