As You Like It (1599?)

Act I

Scene 1: Orlando (younger son of dead Sir Rowland) tells old servant Adam of his elder brother's harshness to him; Oliver, the elder brother, comes, is haughty, so Orlando puts a wrestling lock on him, demanding his inheritance; Oliver says he will give it, calls Adam 'old dog'. Oliver and the Duke's wrestler Charles discuss the political situation: the old Duke has been banished and his younger brother has usurped his place, then Oliver tells Charles to hurt Orlando, and in a final soliloquy confesses he hates his brother 'I know not why'.
Scene 2: Rosalind (daughter of banished Duke) and Celia (daughter of usurping brother) are close friends, Touchstone the clown jokes, Le Beau (courtier) talks of wrestling; the new Duke (Frederick) comes in with Charles, suggests the women persuade the unknown challenger (Orlando) not to wrestle. Orlando refuses and defeats Charles. Orlando identifies himself, the Duke says his father was his enemy and leaves. Rosalind (in love) tries to talk to Orlando, who is unable to reply (in love). Le Beau warns Orlando to escape from the Duke's anger, and tells him who the ladies are.
Scene 3: Rosalind weeps at Orlando's silence and confesses her love to Celia; Frederick suddenly decides that Rosalind is dangerous and orders her into banishment on pain of death; Celia decides to go too, in unity of friendship; Rosalind decides to go disguised as a boy Ganymede, and they take Touchstone the Clown with them.

Act II

Scene 1: Duke Senior (banished Duke) etc in the Forest of Arden.
Scene 2: Duke Frederick learns of the girls' escape, sends for Orlando.
Scene 3: Old Adam warns Orlando that his brother (Oliver) is planning to kill him; they decide to run away together.
Scene 4: Rosalind etc, tired, hear Corin (old) and Silvius (young) in dialogue about love. Offer to help Corin.
Scene 5: Amiens sings, Jaques philosophizes.
Scene 6: Orlando leaves Adam to go and find food.
Scene 7: Duke Senior with Jaques who laughs at Touchstone's philosophizing. Orlando comes in demanding food with a sword, then realizes these are noble people, goes to fetch Adam. Jaques speaks the famous lines 'All the world's a stage' on time and impermanence. Orlando comes with Adam, Amiens sings 'Blow, blow, thou winter wind' as they eat. Duke learns Orlando's identity, welcomes him for love of his father.


Scene 1: Frederick sends Oliver to find Orlando on pain of loosing everything.
Scene 2: Orlando is hanging poems to Rosalind and writing her name on trees. Comic exchanges between Corin and Touchstone. Rosalind finds poems, Celia tells her she has seen Orlando, Rosalind very troubled; Orlando comes talking to Jaques; Rosalind talks with him about Time and love, testing him; then suggests he pretend she is his Rosalind.
Scene 3: Touchstone wooing Audrey, Jaques listening. Priest comes to marry them.
Scene 4: Rosalind tells of her love-frustration, mentions she has seen her father (problems of disguise); Corin announces the meeting of Silvius and Phebe; Phebe rejects his love, Rosalind intervenes to encourage her to love Silvius, Phebe falls in Love with 'Ganymede'.

Act IV

Scene 1: Rosalind and Orlando playing their 'game' go so far as to exchange wedding vows. Rosalind is deeply in love.
Scene 2: Jaques and hunters, song.
Scene 3: Silvius brings Phebe's message to Ganymede, who cannot take it seriously. Oliver arrives and tells of his conversion after Orlando saves his life, with message of Orlando's wound, Rosalind faints, confesses her disguise to Oliver.

Act V

Scene 1: Touchstone, Audrey, William.
Scene 2: Oliver in love with Aliena/Celia; news of Oliver- Celia's wedding makes Orlando feel lack of real Rosalind, so Rosalind promises a magic evemt; the arrival of Silvius and Phebe leads to more ambiguous exchanges and Rosalind promises weddings for all.
Scene 3: Song.
Scene 4: Rosalind solves the problems, Hymen brings in the un-disguised Rosalind. Old Sir Rowland's son arrives, brings news of the conversion of Frederick. Rosalind speaks epilogue.