The RAS Korea Library

The RAS library is housed in the RAS office.

The entire library catalogue as brought up-to-date recently, in MS Excel format

Key to the Catalogue:

Books in the Korean (and other languages) section are listed in green (although many art texts in Korean are still in the general library)
Books in the Oversize section are listed in blue.
Books in the Rare Books section are listed in red.

Books highlighted in grey are being considered for removal as they have little connection to Korea.

The catalogue follows the Library of Congress system

Here's a general explanation of LC call numbers

A large number of the RAS Library's books cover the areas of Korean Religion, History and Literature. Books in those areas are also listed in separate files (which have not been updated since 2013).

A General Works -- includes encycolpedias, almanacs, indexes

B-BJ Philosophy, Psychology

BL-BX Religion

C History -- includes archaeology, genealogy, biography

D History -- general and eastern hemisphere

DS -- Korean History

E-F History -- America (western hemisphere)

G Geography, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation

H Social Science

J Political Science

K Law (general)

KD Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland

KE Law of Canada

KF Law of the United States

L Education

M Music

N Fine Arts -- includes architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing

P-PA General Philosophy and Linguistics, Classical Languages, and Literature

PB-PH Modern European Languages

PG Russian Literature

PJ-PM Languages and Literature of Asia, Africa, Oceania, American Indian Languages, Artificial Languages

PN-PZ General Literature, English and American Literature, Fiction in English, Juvenile Literature


 PL -- Korean Literature

PQ -- French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Literature


 PT -- German, Dutch, and Scandinavian Literature

Q Science -- includes physical and biological sciences, math, computers

R Medicine -- includes health and human sexuality

S Agriculture

T Technology -- inluces engineering, auto mechanics, photography, home economics

U Military Science

V Naval Science

Z Bibliography, Library Science