The voyages and adventures, of Fernand Mendez Pinto, a Portugal: during his travels for the space of one and twenty years in the kingdons of Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan and a great part of the East-Indiaes.  With a Relation and Description of most of the Places thereof; their Religion, Laws, Riches, Customs, and Government in time of Peace and War. Where he five times suffered Shipwrack, was sixteen times sold, and thirteen times made a Slave. Written Originally by himself in the Portugal Tongue, and Dedicated to the Majesty of Philip King of Spain. Done into English by H C. [Henry Cogan] Gent. London, Printed by F. Macock, for Henry Cripps, and Lodowick Lloyd , and are to be sold at their shop in Popes head Alley neer Lumbar Street. 1653

Two extracts from the English abbreviated English version, the first about the introduction of the arquebus into Japan.


Chap. XLIII. Our Departure from the City of Uzamguee, and our adventures till our arrival at the Isle of Tanixumaa, Which is the first Land of Jappon; With our going ashore there.


Upon the twelfth of January we departed from the City of Uzamguee exceedingly rejoycing at our escape from so many labours and crosses, which we before had sustained, and imbarqued ourselves upon a river, that was above a league broad, down the which we went seven dayes together, beholding in the meantime on either side thereof many fair Towns, and goodly Boroughs, which by the outward appearance we believed were inhabited by very rich people, in regard of the somptuousness of the buildings, not only of particular houses, but much more of the Temples, whose steeples were all covered over with gold, as likewise in regard of the great number of Barques and Vessels, that were on this river, abundantly fraught with all sorts of provisions and merchandise. Now when we were come to a very fair Town, called Quangeparun, containing some eighteen or twenty thousand sires, the Naudelum, who was he that conducted us by the express commandment from the King, stayed there twelve dayes to trade in exchange of silver and pearl; whereby he confessed to us that he had gained fourteen for one, and that if he had been so advised as to have brought salt thither, he had doubled his mony above thirty times: we were assured that in this Town the King had yearly out of the silver Mines above fifteen hundred Picas, which are forty thousand Quintal, of our weight, besides the huge revenue, that he drew out of many other different things: This Town hath no other fortification then a weak brick wall, eight foot high, and a shallow ditch some thirty foot broad; The inhabitants are weak and unarmed, having neither Artillery, nor any thing for their defence, so that five hundred resolute souldiers might easily take it.

We parted from this place on Tuesday morning, and continued our course thirteen dayes, at the end whereof we got to the fort of Sancban, in the Kingdom of China. Now because there was no shipping of Malaca there, for they were gone from thence nine dayes before, we went seven leagues further to another Port, named Lantpacau, where we found two Juncks of Malaya, one of Patana, and another of Lugor; And whereas it is the quality of us Portugals to abound in our own sence, and to be obstinate in our opinions, there arose amongst us eight so great a contrariety of judgment about a thing, wherein nothing was so necessary for us, as to maintain our selves in peace and unity, that we were even upon the point of killing one another; But because the matter would be too shamefull to recount in the manner as it past, I will say no more but that the Necoda of the Lorche, which had brought us thither from Uzamguee, amazed at this so great barbarousness of ours, seperated himself from us in such displeasure, that he would not charge himself either with our messages or letters, saying, that he had rather the King should command his head to be cut off, then to offend God in carrying with him anything whatsoever that belonged to us.

Thus different as we were in opinion, and in very bad terms amongst ourselves, we lingered above nine dayes in this little Island, during which time the three Juncks departed without vouchsafing to take us in, so that we were constrained to remain in these solitudes, exposed to many great dangers, out of which I did not think that ever we could have escaped, if God had not been extraordinarily merciful unto us; for having been there seventeen dayes in great misery and want, it hapened that a Pyrat, named Samipocheca, arrived in this place, who having been defeated, went flying from the Fleet of Aytao of Chincheo, that of eight and twenty sayl, which this Pyrat had, had taken six and twenty of them from him, so that he had with much ado escaped with those only two remaining, wherein the most part of his men were hurt, for which cause he was constrained to stay there seven dayes to have them cured: Now the present necessity inforcing us to take some course whatsoever it were, we were glad to agree for to serve under him until such time as we might meet with some good opportunity to get unto Malaca. Those twenty dayes ended, wherein yet there was no manner of reconciliation between us, but still continuing in discord we imbarqued ourselves with this Pyrat, namely three in the Junk where he himself was, and five in the other, whereof he had made a Nephew of his Captain. Having left this Island with an intent to sail unto a Port, called Lailoo, some seven leagues from Chincheo, we continued our voyage with a good wind all along the Coast of Lamao for the space of nine dayes, until that one morning when we were near to the river of Salt, which is about five leagues from Chabaquea, it was our ill fortune to be assailed by a Pirate, who with seven great Juncks fell to fighting with us from six in the morning till ten of the clock before noon, in which conflict we were so entertained with shot, and pots full of artificial fire, that at last there were three Sail burnt, to wit, two of the Pirats, and one of ours, which was the Junck wherein the five Portugals were, whom we could by no means succour, for that then most of our men were hurt; But at length towards night being well refreshed by the afternoons gale, it pleased our Lord that we escaped out of this Pirats hands.

In this ill equipage wherein we were we continued our course for three dayes together, at the end whereof we were invironed by so great and impetuous a Tempest, that the same night in which it seized us we lost the Coast, and because the violence of the Storm would never suffer us after to recover it again, we were forced to make with full Sail towards the Islands of the Lequios, where the Pirate, with whom we went, was well known, both to the King, and those of the Country; with this resolution we set our selves to sail through the Archipelage of these Islands, where notwithstanding we could not make land, as well for that we wanted a Pilot to steer the vessel, ours being slain in the last fight, as also because the wind and tide was against us, Amidst so many crosses we beat up and down with labour enough from one rhomb to another for three and twenty dayes together, at the end whereof it pleased God that we discovered land, whereunto approaching to see if we could descry any appearance of a Port, or good anchorage, we perceived on the South coast near to the Horizon of the Sea a great fire, which perswaded us that there we might peradventure find some Borough, where we might furnish ourselves with fresh water, whereof we had very great need.

So we went and rode just before the lsland in seventy fathom, and presently we beheld two Almedias come towards us from the Land with six men in them, who being come close to the side of our Junck, and having complemented with us according to their manner, demanded of us from whence we came? whereunto having answered, that we came from China with merchandise intending to trade in this place if we might be suffered, one of the six replyed; That the Nautaquim, Lord of that Island, called Tanixumaa, would very willingly permit it upon payment or such customs as are usual in Japan, which is, continued he, this great Country that you see here before you; At these news and many other things, which they told us, we were exceeding glad, so that after they had shewed us the Port, we weighed anchor, and went and put ourselves under the lee-shoar of a creek, which was on the South-side, and where stood a great Town, named Miay-gimaa, from whence there came instantly abord of us divers persons with refreshments, which we bought.

We had not been two hours in this Creek of Miaygimaa, when as the Nautaquim, Prince of this Island of Tanixumaa came directly to our Junck, attended by divers Gentlemen and Merchants, who had brought with them many Chests full of silver Ingots, therewith to barter for our commodities; so after ordinary complements past on either side, and that we had given our word for his easiest coming aboard of us; he no sooner perceived us three Portugals, but he demanded what people we were, saying, that by our beards and faces we could not be Chineses: Hereunto the Pirate answered, That we were of a Country called Malaca, whither many years before we were come from another Land, named Portugal, which was at the further end of the world; At these words the Nautaquim remained much amazed, and turning . himself to his followers; Let me not live, said he unto them, if these men here be not the Chenchicogis, of Whom it is Written in our books, that flying on the top of the waters they shall from thence subdue the inhabitants, of the earth, where God hath created the riches of the worlds wherefore it will be a good fortune for us if they come into our Country as good friends.

Thereupon having called a woman of Lequia, whom he had brought to serve as an interpreter between him and the Chinese, Captain of the junck; Ask the Necoda, said he unto her, where he met with these men, and upon what occasion he hath brought them hither with him unto our Country of Jappon? The Captain thereunto replied, That we were honest men and Merchants, and that having found us at Lampacau, where we had been cast away, he had out of charity taken us in, as he used to do unto all such as He met withall in the like case, to the end that God might out of his gracious goodness be thereby moved, to deliver him from the danger of such violent Tempests, as commonly they that fail on the Sea are subject to perish in. This saying of the Pirate seemed so reasonable to the Nautaquim, that be presently came abord of us, and because those of his Train were very many, he, commanded that none but such as he named should enter in. After he had seen all the commodities in the Junck, he sate him down in a Chair upon the Deck, and began to question us about certain things which be desired to know, to the which we answered him in such sort, as we thought would be most agreeable to his humour, so that he seemed to be exceedingly satisfied therewith; In this manner he entertained us a good while together, making it apparent by his demands that he was a man Very curious, and much inclined to hear of novelties, and rare things.

That done he took his leave of us, and the Necoda, little regarding the reft, saying, Come and see me at my house tomorrow, and for a present bring me an ample relation of the strange things of that great world through which you have travelled, as also of the Countries that you have seen, and withall remember to tell me how they are called, for I swear unto you that I would far more willingly buy this commodity than any that you can sell me. This said, he returned to Land, and the next morning as soon as it was day he sent out to our Junck a great Parao, full of divers sorts of refreshments, as Reasons, Pears, Melons, and other kinds of fruits of that Country; In exchange of this present the Necoda returned him by the same messenger divers rich pieces of stuff, together with certain knacks and rarities of China, and withall sent him word, that as soon as his Junck should be at anchor, and out of danger of the weather, he would come and wait on him ashore, and bring him some patterns of the commodities which we had to sell; as indeed the next morning he went on land, and carried us three along with him, as also some ten or eleven of the chiefest of the Chineses of his Company, to the end that at this first sight he might settle a good opinion of himself in this people for the better satisfaction of that vanity whereunto they are naturally inclined; we went then to the Nautaquims house, where we were very well entertained, and the Necoda having given him a rich present, shewed him the patterns of all the commodities he had, wherewith he rested so contented, that he sent presently for the principal Merchants of the place, with whom the Necoda having agreed up on a price for his commodities, he was resolved that the next day they should be transported from the Junck unto a certain house, which was appointed for the Necoda and his people to remain in till such time as he should set sail for China.

After all this was concluded, the Nautaquim fell again to questioning of us about many several matters, whereunto we rendred him such answers as might rather sit his humour, then agree with the truth indeed, which yet we did not observe but in some certain demands that he made us, where we thought it necessary to make use of certain particulars altogether fained by us, that so we might not derogate from the great opinion he had conceived of our Country. The first thing he propounded was, how he had learned from the Chineses and Lequios, that Portugal was far richer, and of a larger extent, then the whole Empire of China, which we confirmed unto him. The second, how he had likewise been assured, that our King had upon the Sea conquered the greatest part of the world, which also we averred to be so; The third, that our King was so rich in gold and silver, as it was held for most certain, that he had above two thouand houses full of it even to the very tops; but thereunto we answered, that we could not truly say the number of the houses, because the Kingdom of Portugal was so spacious, so abounding with treasure, and so populous, as it was impossible to specifie the same. So after the Nautaquim had entertained us above two hours with such and the like discourse, he turned him to those of his Train, and said, Assuredly not one of those Kings, 'which at this present we know to be on the earth, is to be esteemed happy, if he be not the vassal of so great a Monarch as the Emperour of this people here.

Whereupon having dismissed the Necoda and his Company, he intreated us to passe that night on shore with him, for to satisfie the extream desire that he had to be informed from us of many things of the world, whereunto he was exceedingly carried by his own inclination; withall he told us, that the next day he would assigne us a lodging next to his own Pallace, which was in the most commodious place of the Town, and for that instant he sent us to lie at a very rich Merchants house, who entertained us very bountifully that night.


Chap. XLIV. The great honour which the Nautaquim, Lord of the Isle, did to one of us for having seen him shoot with an Harquebuse; and his sending me to the King of Bungo; and that which passed till my arrival at his Court.


The next day the Chinese Necoda disimbarqued all his commodities, as the Nautaquim had enjoyned him, and put them into sure rooms, which were given him for that purpose and in three dayes he sold them all, as well for that he had not many, as because his good fortune was such that the Country was at that time utterly unfurnished thereof, by which means this Pirate profited so much that by this Sale he wholly recovered himself of the losse of the six & twenty Taels which the Chinese Pirate had taken from him; for they gave him any price he demanded, so that he confessed unto us, that of the value of some five and twenty hundred Taels which he might have in goods, he made above thirty thousand. Now as for us three Portugals, having nothing to sell, we employed our time either in fishing, hunting, or seeing the Temples of these Gentiles, which were very sumptuous and rich, whereinto the Bonzes, who are their priests, received us very courteously, for indeed it is the custome of these of Iappon to be exceding kind and courteous.

Thus we having little to do, one of us, called Diego Zeimote, went many times a shooting for his pleasure in an Harquebuse that he had, wherein he was very expert, so that going one day by chance to a certain Marsh, where there was great store of fowl, he killed at that time about six and twenty wild Ducks; In the mean time these people beholding this manner of shooting, which they had never seen before, were much amazed at it, insomuch that it came to the notice of the Nautaquim, who was at that instant riding of horses, and not knowing what to think of this novelty sent presently for Zeimoto, just as he was shooting in the Marsh, but when he saw him come with his Harquebuse on his shoulder and two Chineses with him carrying the fowl, he was so mightily taken with the matter, as he could not sufficiently admire it: for whereas they had never seen any Gun before in that Country, they could not comprehend what it might be, so that for want of understanding the secret of the powder, they all concluded that of necessity it must be some Sorcery; Thereupon Zeimoto seeing them so astonish'd, and the Nautaquim so contented, made three shoots before them, whereof the effect was such, that he killed one Kite, and two Turtle Doves; In a word then, and not to lose time, by endeering the matter with much Speech, l will say the Nautiquim caused Zeimoto to get up on the horses croupper behind him, and so accompanied with a great croud of people, and four Hushers, who with Battouns headed with iron went before him, crying all along the streets, Know all men, that the Nautaquim, Prince of this Island of Tanixumaa, and Lord of our heads, enjoyns and expresly commands, That all persons whatsoever, which inhabit the Land that lies between the two Seas, do honour this Chenchicogim, of the further end of the World, for even at this present and for hereafter he makes him his kinsman, in such manner as Jacharons are, who sit next his Person; and whosoever will not do so willingly, he shall be sure to lose his head. Whereunto all the people answered with a great noise; We will do so for ever.

In this pomp Zeimoto being come to the Pallace gate, the Nautaquim alighted from his horse, and taking him by the hand, whilest we two followed on foot a prety way after, he led him into his Court, where be made him sit with him at his own table, and to honour him the more, be would needs have him lodg there that night, shewing many other favours to him afterwards, and to us also for his sake. Now Zeimoto conceiving that he could not better acknowledge the honour which the Nautaquim did him, then by giving him his Harquebuse, which he thought would be a most acceptable present unto him; on a day when he came home from shooting, he tendred it unto him with a number of Pigeons and Turtle-doves, which he received very kindly, as a thing of great value, assuring him that he esteemed of it more, then of all the treasures of China, and giving him withall in recompence thereof a thousand Taels in silver, he desired him to teach him how to make the powder, saying, that without that the Harquebuse would be of no use to him, as being but a piece of unprofitable iron, which Zeimoto promised him to do, and accordingly performed the same.

Now the Nautaquim taking pleasure in nothing so much as shooting in this Harquebuse, and his Subjects perceiving that they could not content him better in anything, then in this, wherewith he was so much delighted, they took a pattern of the said Harquebuse to make others by it & the effect thereof was such that before our departure (which was five months & an half after) there was six hundred of them made in the Country; nay I will say more, that afterwards, namely the last time that the Vice-roy Don Alphonso de Noronha sent me thither with a present to the King of Bungo, which happened in the year 1556, those of Jappon affirmed, that in the City of Fucheo, being the chief of that Kingdom, there were above thirty thousand; whereat finding myself to be much amazed, for that it seemed impossible unto me, that this invention should multiply in such sort, certain Merchants of good credit assured me that in the whole Island of Jappon there were above three hundred thousand Harquebuses, and that they alone had transported of them in the way of trade to the Country of the Lequios, at six several times, to the number of five and twenty hundred; so that by the means of that one, which Zeimoto presented to the Nautaquim in acknowledgment of the honour and good offices that he had done him, as I have declared before, the Country was filled with such abundance of them, as at this day there is not so small an hamlet but hath an hundred at the least; for as for Cities and great Towns they have them by thousands, whereby one may perceive what the inclination of this people is, and how much they are naturally addicted to the wars, wherein they take more delight, than any other Nation that we know.

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Later chapters, from which all the descriptions of Francis Xavier’s debates with Japanese Buddhist monks etc have been removed.


CHAP. LXXVI. Our passing from the Town of Fucheo, to the Port of Hiamangoo; and that which befell us there; together with my departure from Malaca, and arrival at Goa.


After that this revolt had taken an end by the death of so many men on the one and the other side, we few Portugals that remained, as soon as time would permit us, got to the port of the town, where seeing the Country desolated, the merchants fled away, and the King resolved to leave the town, we lost all hope of selling our comodities, yea and of being safe in this harbour, which made us set sail, and go ninety leagues further to another Port, called Hiamangoo, which is in the bay of Canguexumaa; there we sojourned two months and an half, not able to sell any thing at all, because the country was so full of Chinese comodities, as they fell above half in half in the price: for there was not a Port or Read in all this Iland of Japan, where there were not thirty or forty Juncks at anchor and in some places above an hundred; so that in the same very year, at least two thousand merchants ships came from China to Japan. Now most of this merchandise consisted in Silk, which was given at so cheap a rate, that the peece of Silk which at that time was worth an hundred Taies in China, was sold in Japan for eight and twenty, or thirty at the most, and that too with much adoe; besides, the prices of all other commodities were so low, as holding our selves utterly undone, we knew not what resolution or counsell to take. But whereas the Lord doth dispose of things according to his good pleasure, by waies which surpasse our understanding; he permitted, for reasons only known to himself, that on the new moon in December, being the fifth day of the month, there arose so furious a tempest of wind and rain, as all those vessels saving a few perished, in it: so that the losse caused by this storm, amounted unto a thousand, nine hundred, and seventy two Juncks; amongst the which, were six and twenty Portugals ships, where in five hundred and two of our nation were drowned; besides, a thousand Christians of other Countries, and eight hundred thousand duckets worth of goods cast away. Of Chinese vessels, according to report, there were a thousand, nine hundred, thirty and six lost, together with above two millions of gold, and an hundred and threescore thousand persons. Now from so miserable a ship-wrack, not above ten or eleven ships escaped, of which number, was that wherein I was imbarqued, and that almost by miracle; by reason whereof these same sold their commodities at what price they would. As for us, after we had uttered all ours, and prepared our selves for our departure, we put to sea on a twelfth day in the morning; and although we were well enough contented in regard of the profit we had made, yet were we not a little sad, to see things fall out so to the cost of so many lives and riches, both of those of our nation, and of strangers; But when we had weighed anchor, and hoisted our sailes for the prosecution of our course, the ties of our main sail brake, by which means, the sail yard falling down upon the       of the ship, brake all to peices; so that we were constrained by this accident, to recover the port again, and to send a shallop on shore to seek for a sail yard, and shipwrights to fix it for us. To this effect, we sent a present to the Captain of the place, that he might suddenly give us necessary succor, as accordingly he did; so that the very same day, the ship was put in to her former estate, and better then before: Neverthelesse, as we were weighing anchor again, the cable of our anchor broke, and because we had but one more in the ship, we were forced to indeavor all that:we might for the recovery thereof, by reason of the great need we stood in of it; now, to do this, we sent to land for such as could dive, who in consideration of ten duckets that we gave them, fell to diving into the sea, where they found our anchor in six and twenty fathome depth, so that: by the means         which we fastned unto it, we hoysted it up, though with a great deal of labour, wherein we all of us bestowed ourselves, and spent the most part of the night. As soon as it was day, we set saile, and parting from this river of Hiamangoo, it pleased God, that in fourteen daies with a good wind, we arrived at Chincheo, which is one of the most renowned and richest Ports of the King of China; there we were advertised, that at the entrance of this river, there lay at that time a famous Pirate, called Cheopocheca, with a mighty fleet, which put us into such a fear, that in all hast we got away to Lamau, where we made some provision of victuals, which lasted us untill our arrivall at Malaca.

Having stayed sometime at Malaca, for the dispatch of certain affaires that I had there, I imbarqued my self for Goa, with an intent at length, to return into Portugal, if I could meet with shipping ready to depart from thence at that time; but some few daies after my arrivall there it happened, that a Portugal named Antonio Ferreyra, brought a present of very rich peeces to the ViceRoy Don Pedro Mascarenhas, which the King of Bungo sent him from Japan, together with a letter, whereof the contents were these,


Illustrious Lord, and of great majesty, Vice-Roy of the limits of the Indiaes, the dreadfull Lion in the flouds of the sea, by the force of thy ships and artillerie: I Yacataaandono King of Bungo, Facataa, Omangucha, and the Countries of the two seas, Lord of the petty Kings of the Ilands of Tosa, Xemenarequa, Miaygimaa, do give thee to understand by this my letter, that Father Francisco Xavier having been not long since in this Country, preaching to them of Omangucha the new law of the Creator of all things, I secretly promised to him, that at his return into my Kingdome I would receive from his hand the name and water of holy Baptism, howsoever the noveltie of so unexpected a thing might put me into bad terms with my subjects, Whereupon, he also promised me on his side, that if God gave him life, he would come back again unto me as speedily as he could. And forasmuch as his return hath been longer then I looked for, I have sent thus expresly to know both of him, and of you, the cause of this retardment of his. Wherefore my Lord, I desire you, that he may hasten away to me with all the speed that the first season which shall be proper for navigation, will permit. For besides, that his arrivall in my Kingdome is greatly important for the service of God, it will be also very profitable to my self, for the contracting of a new league with the great King of Portugal, to the end that by this amitie, my country and his may hereafter be but one thing, and that his subjects may in all our ports and rivers be as free as they are in your Cochim where you are; wherefore your Lordship shall exceedingly oblige me by sending one unto me, that may be witnesse of the desire I have to serve your King; for I will do it as willingly, as the Sun is ready to hasten his course from the morning to the night. More-over, Antonio Fereyra will give thee the very same armes wherewith I vanquished the Kings of Fiangaa and Xemenarequa, and which I wore in the day of battel. I am ready in all things to obey my elder Brother, that invincible King of the other end of the world, Lord of the treasures of great Portugal.


The Vice-Roy having read this Letter, sent for one father Belquior, Rector of the Colledg of the Jesuits, and having imparted unto him the King of Bungoes desire, he told him, that in regard Father Xavier was dead, he could wish that he would in his stead undertake this voyage to Japan, which in all probalitie would very much redound to the service of God, and the propagation of the Christian faith. The Rector upon the hearing hereof, willingly imbraced the imployment, wherewith the Vice-Roy was exceedingly well pleased, and very much commended him for such his good and pious resolution. After this, the Vice-Roy consulting with some of his friends about the chusing of a man, that in qualitie of his Ambassador, might accompany the Father in this expedition; I was nominated unto him, as the fittest he could fix upon, in regard of the knowledg I had, both of the Country. and of the then King thereof: whereupon, I was immediatly also sent for, and the Vice-Roy acquainting me with the great desire he had, that I should take this negotiation upon me, which he said, did so much import the honor of God, and the King our Masters service; he prest me so earnestly to it, that I knew not how to refuse him, although I must confesse, I was very unwilling thereunto.; So that consenting to what I could not well avoide, he commanded that all things necessary for our voyage should with all convenient speed be prepared.


CHAP. LXXVII Father Belquior's and my departure from the Indiaes to go to Japan, and that which befell us till our arrivall at the Island of Champeiloo.


Fourteen dayes after, namely on the sixteenth of April, One thousand five hundred fifty and four, Father Belquior and I set sail for Malaca in a ship, wherein also was Don Antonio de Noronha, Son to Don Garcia de Noronha, who had been Vice-Roy of the Indiaes, that was going to take possession of the Government of the Fortresse there; from the which the Vice-Roy had sent order to displace Don Alvaro de Tayda, who was Captain of it, as well for that he would not obey his Commands, as for many other misdemeanors which he had committed, whereof I will not speak in particular here, because they are altogether from my purpose at this time. The fifth day of June following, we and the new Captain arrived at Malaca, where the Licentiat Gasper Jorge Superintendant Generall of the Indiaes, who was the man that prosecuted this businesse, caused the people of the Town to assemble together upon the tolling of a Bell; and having read unto them the Vice-Roys Letters Patents, whereby he displaced Don Alvaro, he examined him upon divers Interrogatories, whereof two Registers made a verbal process, which was signed both by them and the said Superintendent, and the new Captain. After all this, Don Alvaro was deposed from his Government, made a prisoner, and all his estate confiscated: the like was done to all his partakers who had favoured him in the imprisoning of Gamboa, Superintendent of the Treasure, and in disobeying the Vice-Roys Commissions, as also in many other disorders that had been committed thereupon: which was executed with so much rigour, as the most part fled to the Mahometans, whereby the Fortresse remained so bare of men, as it was in danger of being undone, had not the new Captain provided for it with a great deal of prudence, granting a general Abolition unto all, although they returned for all that but with an ill will. These revolutions, and this excesse of justice, which put all the Country into an uproar, were the cause that Father Belquior and I could not this year pass unto Japan, as we had resolved; so that we were constrained to winter at Malaca, until April following, in the year One thousand five hundred fifty and five, which was ten months. During that time, the Auditor Gaspar Jorge continuing the rigorous executions which he exercised day by day, was a subject of great scandal to all the Country; wherewith not yet contented, and relying on the large Commission which the Vice-Roy had given him, he would needs intermeddle with the Captain Don Antonio's Jurisdiction; and indeed, he incroached so far on his Authority, as Don Antonio had no more but the name of it, and was no other then as a guard of the Fortress. Now though he was very sensible of this affront, yet he did dissemble and endure it with a great deal of patience: But these excessive rigours of this Auditor continuing for the space of four months; during the which there were many discontentments, whereof I will not treat here in particular, because the discourse of it would be infinite. One day Don Antonio, seeing the time proper for the execution of that which he had formerly resolved on, caused some, whom he had destined for it, to seise on him in the Fortress, and carry him to a private house; where (according to report) he was stript stark naked, and his hands and feet being bound with cords, he was grievously whipped: After Which, having drop'd scalding oyl on his bare flesh, (which had almost killed him) and clapt irons on his legs, and manacles on his hands, they pluck'd off all the hair of his beard, leaving him not so much as one, and did many other such like things unto him, as it was publickly spoken: so that the poor Licentiat Gaspar Jorge, who termed himself Auditor Generall of the Indiaes, great Provisor of the deceased and Orphelins, and Superintendent of the Treasure of Malaca, and or the Countries of the South, for the King our Soveraign Lord, was thus handled by Don Antonio, if the report of it be true. Finally, when the season of Navigation was come, he was sent, so manacled as he was, to the Indiaes, with an infamous verball process; which the Parliament of Goa annulled wards. And Don Antonio had thereupon an expresse Commandment from the Vice-Roy Don Pedro de Mascarenhas, who governed the State of the Indiaes at that time, to appear personally before him as a Prisoner, for to be confronted in Judgment with Gaspar Jorge, and render an account of his proceeding against him; as indeed Don Antonio failed not in making his appearance at Goa accordingly: where being about to justifie himself for that which had past, he was ordered to answer within three dayes to an ignominious Libel, which Gaspar Jorge had exhibited agsinst him: But forasmuch as Don Antonio was naturally an enemy of Justifications by Answers and Replyes, whereby it was said, the Councilors of the Parliament intended to surprize him, the report went (at least wise such was the saying of Detractors; for as for me, I neither saw nor am assured of it) that instead of imploying the three dayes which had been given him, in making answer to this Libell, he, within four and twenty hours having met accidentally with Caspar Jorge, sent him to prosecute his Suit in the other World, laying him so sure on the ground, as he never rose again. Howbeit, there are those which recount this Affair quite otherwise, and that say, how in a Feast, whereunto he was invited, hee was poysoned. By this death of his all this difference was decided, and this business: wholly ceased, so that Don Antonio was by Sentence absolutely cleared, and sent back to his Government: wherein he continued not above two months and a half, at the end whereof he died of a bloody Flux: and so were all the storms of envie and discord wherewith the Fortresse of Malaca had been beaten, appeased.

When the season was come wherein we might continue our Voyage, on the first day of April, in the year One thousand five hundred fifty and five, wee parted from Malaca, after wee had imbarqued our selves in a Carvel belonging to the King our Sovereign Lord, which Don Antonio, the Captain of the Fortresse gave us by the expresse command of the Vice-Roy. Three dayes after our putting to sea, we arrived at an Island called Pulho Pisan, at the entering into the Streight of Sincaapura, where the Pilot having never navigated that way before, ran us with full sails so dangerously on certain Rocks, as we thought our selves to be utterly lost, without all hope of recovery: In regard whereof, by the advice of all the rest, the Father and I were constrained to get into a Manchua, for to go and demand succour of one Luis Dalmeida, who two hours before had passed by us in a Vessell of his, and lay at anchor two leagues off us, by reason the winde was against him; So the Father and I made to him with peril enough. For whereas all that Country, which appertained to the King of Jantana, Grand-childe to him that had been King of Malaca, our mortall Enemy, were at that time in arms, his Balons and Lanchares, that were assembled in a Fleet of Warr, continually gave us chase, with an intention to take us; but by Gods providence we escaped them. At length, after we had got to this ship, with no little fear and trouble, he that was Captain of her furnished us with a Boat and Mariners, and so we returned to our Carvel as speedily as we could, for to succour and draw her out of the danger wherein we had left her. But it pleased the Lord that we found her the day after delivered from it; though it is true, that she took in water abundantly in the prow's side; but in the end We stanched it at Patana, where we arrived seven dayes after. There I went ashore with two others, to see the King; unto whom I delivered a Letter from the Captain of Malaca: and being received very graciously by him, he read it over, whereby he understood, that the cause of our coming thither was to provide our selves of victuals, and some other things which we had not taken in at Malaca; as also that we were resolved to proceed on in our course directly to China, and from thence to Japan, where Father Belquior and others with him were to preach the Christian Law to the Gentiles, which the King of Jatana having read, after he had muled a little, he turned to them that were about him, and said smiling to them, O how much better were it for these men, since they expose themselves to so many travels to go to China and inrich themselves there, then to recount tales in strange Countreys? Whereupon, calling the Xabandar to him, Be sure, said he unto him, that thou givest these men here all that they shall demand of thee, and that for the love of the Captain of Malaca, who hath greatly recommended them unto mee: and above all remember, That it is not my cteftome to com mand a thing twice. When we had taken leave of the King, exceedingly content ed with the good reception he had given us, we fell prclemly to buying of Victu als, and other such things as we stood in need of; So that in eight dayes we were abundantly furnished with whatsoever was necessary for us. Being departed from this Haven of Patana, we failed two dayes together with a South-east winde along by the coast of Lugor and Siam, traversing the Ban of Cuyt to go to 'pulho Cam- \im. and from thence to the Islands of Canton, with an intent there to attend the conjunction of the new Moon: But it was our ill fortune to be surprized by East and South-cast winde, (which raign in that Coast the most part of the year ) whereof the violence was so great, that we were in fear to be cast away: so that tp decline the event thereof, we were forcd to tack about again to the Coast of Malaya; and arriving at an Island, called PulloTimin, we ran into great danger there, as well by reason of the tempest which we had upon the sea, as in regard of the great treason of the people of the Country. Now after five dayes that we had continued there, without having either fresh water or victuals, because for the easing of our Vessell we had cast out all into the Sea, it pleased God that wee encountred with three Portugal Ships which came from Sunda, by whose arrivall we were very much comforted in our travell: Whereupon Father Belquior and I began to treat with the Captains of those Vessels about that which they thought was requisite we should do; and all were of the opinion, that we should send back the Carvel wherein wee were, to Malaca; saying, that there was no likelihood wee should be able to Make so long a Voyage in her as that of Japan. Having approved of this counsel, we presently imbarqued our selves in the Ship of one Francisco Toscano, a Worshipfull and rich man, who defrayed our charge during all our Voyage, yea, and most part of the time that we were in China, not permitting any of our Company to spend a peny. From this Island PulloTiman we put to sea on Friday the seventh of June in the same yeer One thousand five hundred fifty and five, and discovering the firm land of the Kingdome of Champaa, we sailed along the Coast with a North-West winde, and in twelve dayes we arrived at an Island called Pullo Champtitoo, in the Straight of Cauchenchina, where we took in fresh water at a River which descended from an high Mountain. There amongst the Rocks we perceived a very-fair Cross graven on a great free Stone, and under it 1513, with six letters abbreviated, which said, Duan Coilho We observed also towards the River, and on the South-side, two flight shot off, threescore and two men hanged on trees alongst the Strand, besides others that lay on the ground half eaten; a thing which seemed to have been done not above six or seven dayes before. Upon another tree there hung a great Banner, wherein these words were seen in Chinese letters, Let every Ship or Junk which shall arrive in this place, be sure to dislodg quickly from thence after shee hath furnished her self with fresh Water ; Whether shee hath time, or hath it not, on pain of incurring the same justice as these wretches have done, whom the fury of the arm of the son of the Sun hath overwhelmed. Wee were mightily surprised with so strange an accident, so that wee could make no other judgment of it, but that some Chinese Army had arrived there, and meeting with those wretches, had (as Pirats use to do) intreated them as we saw, under the specious pretext of Justice.