Lumen: The first publication and the first translation of the Korean Anglican mission

A PDF file of the entire volume of Lumen in English (with a dedication signed by Bishop Corfe) can be viewed by clicking here

In the
Biography of Bishop Corfe we read:
Corfe and his colleagues devoted themselves unsparingly to the study of the language throughout the first three or four years. Till they could publish something, or speak to Coreans, their foundations would not be laid. Their first effort consisted in the preparation of a "Tract," and truly admirable it was in its conception. They wished to give a careful answer to the question, "What is the Faith you preach?" "By what authority do you do these things?" They feared lest their insufficient knowledge of the languages might lead astray those who were being instructed, "Lumen"--the first word of "A Light to Lighten the Gentiles"--gives a concise history of the life of our Lord in Scripture language and in 400 verses. The preface is the speech of St. Paul at Athens, and there is a summing-up at the end in words from the Epistles.   It is excellent for use, whether at home or abroad, and was published by S.P.C.K, in the English edition.  Corfe presented a copy to all the Bishops at the Lambeth Conference of 1897; the Bishop of Chota Nagpur had it translated into Hindi.
In 1890 the Mission had no Prayer Book or Catechism in Corean, nor even an adequate translation of the Bible, the available portions of it were considered unsatisfactory even by the translators at that date. Lumen was printed by the Mission Press in two languages, in Chinese and in En-Moun, the alphabetical script used in Corea, except by the educated. The whole Mission staff was engaged in this task, Corfe himself spending all available time on it. And here it is only right to set forth the true state of the case regarding Bishop Corfe's linguistic difficulties. His failure was confined to the spoken Corean. He was never able either to understand colloquial Corean, or to speak it acceptably. But it was very different with the written language. He gained a good knowledge of Chinese and of Corean for the purposes of writing and translations.  On February 6, 1893, he writes to (now Admiral) Richard Webb: "This language is a great difficulty to me. I know thousands of words, but hardly know how to string them together; and if I do, I take such a long time about it that the man is out of sight before I can get my question off."
The Papers of the Korean Mission, 1889-1987
, in Birmingham University Library include the following:

Lumen ad Revelationem Gentium 'A Light to Lighten the Gentiles. Being a Tractate on the Life of Our Blessed Lord in the Words of the Holy Scripture for Use in the Home and Foreign Mission Field', compiled by the Missionaries of the Church of England in Corea, London, SPCK, 1898.

Lumen ad Revelationem Gentium 'Being a summary account of the Life, Death, Resurrection of Our Lord and the Foundation of the Church drawn up in the words of Holy Scripture in the Chinese and Corean languages. Compiled and translated by the members of Bishop Corfe's Mission and printed at the English Church Mission Press in Seoul'. 3 Copies.
From:  The Church in Corea   By the Right Reverend Mark Napier Trollope, D.D. London: Mowbray, 1915. Milwaukee: The Young Churchman, 1915.

Chapter II. English Church Mission to Corea History, 1889-1910

While the members of the Mission were still busy with their study of the language, the printing-press, presented to Bishop Corfe by his brother naval chaplains, had been set to work in the Nak Tong Mission House. As already mentioned, the preliminary work of starting it in 1891 had been done by Mr. Peake, who had come from British Columbia in Bishop Corfe's wake. When he went home his place was taken in 1892 by Mr. J. W. Hodge, who greatly developed both the work and plant and continued to work as the Mission printer until 1900. During these eight or nine years the Mission press had done very useful work at a time when printing-presses in Corea were very scarce, turning out in creditable fashion such books of general interest as Mr. James Scott's Corean Manual and Corean Dictionary, as well as the simple religious works, which were the first-fruits of the translation efforts of the bishop and his clergy.

The first and most important of these was a so-called "tract" (it really was a rather large book) published in 1893, on the Life of our Blessed Lord, intended to form the basis of our earliest teaching and preaching, there being as yet no available version of the Holy Scriptures in the Corean tongue. The book, which went by the name of Lumen, or Lumen ad Revelationem Gentium (being the Latin rendering of the Corean title Cho Man Min Kwang) was printed in alternate paragraphs of Chinese characters and Corean On-man, or vulgar script; and was composed of ten chapters, in the words of Holy Scripture, illustrating the Incarnate Life of the Son of God, from the Annunciation to the Ascension, with S. Paul's sermon at Athens as preface, and a postscript describing Pentecost, the Acts of the Apostles, and the foundation of the Holy Catholic Church.
This served its purpose well until, some years later, and bit by bit, a translation of the whole New Testament appeared under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in the production of which members of the Mission took only a small part.
The Korean version of Lumen

죠(조)만민광 照萬民光 JoManMinGwang 

A copy (shelfmark 15260.b.2 ) is in the British Museum
Handlist of antiquarian Korean books in the British Library

A copy is in the Bodleian Library Oxford (as mentioned page 22 of the book by Minh Chung,
Korean Treasures: Rare Books, Manuscripts and Artefacts in the Bodleian Libraries. . ., illustration p 15, but with no mention of the title "Lumen").

The Bodleian also owns the
only known copy of  a book (attributed to Bishop Corfe in the 1903 Catalogue of the Landis Library: RASKB Transactions Volume 3) : Terminations of the Verb 하다 with occasional references to some of the terminations used in Lumen. Seoul. 1896. For private circulation only.
This came to the Bodleian from Richard Rutt. There is no way of knowing whether this copy is the same as that formerly in the Landis Library. It is freely available from the Bodleian as a scanned PDF file.

The Internet offers:
a few color images of a very fine copy of JoManMinGwang and  complete colour images of a rather damaged copy lacking the title page.

Academy of Korean Studies online Library has black and white scans of the whole text  of JoManMinGwang.

An Early Koreanologist : Eli Barr Landis 1865-1898  by Richard Rutt  RASKB Transactions 54, 1979 :

After Christmas Landis and Corfe went to Seoul for a brief conference of the mission, and during January. Trollope visited them at Chemulp’o. Among the subjects they discussed was the project they called ‘
Lumen.’ This was a plan to translate a catena of gospel passages into Korean for use until such time as an adequate translation of the New Testament was made. Corfe called this work Lumen ad revelationem gentium, ‘a light to lighten the gentiles,’ from the Song of Simeon in Luke 2.32.
This translation work was soon begun. The missionaries did not yet consider themselves capable of translating directly into Korean from Greek. They worked, with the help of their Korean pundits, from the ‘Delegates’ Version’ Chinese bible. Landis might have been expected to take a hand in this project. All the other members of the mission—even Maurice Davies, who was to leave Korea in 1896 because he failed with the language—did their share of translation. Yet Landis appears not to have contributed. He thought the native script a waste of time, because the literature of educated Koreans was entirely in classical Chinese.