The Korea Review




Volume 4, 1904.


A point of ethics 1

Ajun, The 63, 249

Alliance, The Korea-Japanese 74


Battle of Chemulpo 53

Battle of Kang-gye 214

Book on Korea, A new 109

Book on Japan, New 505

Bridge, The 10,000 year 305

Burning of the Palace, The 155


Cemetery, The foreign 453

Chemulpo, The Battle of 53

Code Penal de la Coree 357

Condition of Korea 163. 199

Corea, the Hermit Nation  502

Corea and Coreani 504

Cremanzy, Laurent 357


Decadent Korea  75

Dowager, The late Queen 6


Editorials 23, 70, 168, 260, 306, 360, 402, 456, 508, 549

Educational needs of Korea 443, 481, 533


Fifteen years among the top-knots 215

Folk-tales 1, 20, 21, 22 , 259, 298, 499

Foreign cemetery, The 453

Fortune-teller¡¯s dilemma, A 21

Fusion of Korean Society 337


Gale, D. D., Rev. J S. 170

Ghost of a Ghost, The 499


Ha-ju, Note on 207

Hamilton, Angus 109

History of Korea 33, 81, 129, 177, 225, 273, 321, 369, 417, 465, 513, 561

Hospital, The Severance 494


Imperial residence. The 202

Industrial projects in Korea,


Japanese 289


Korea decadent 75

Korea, Northeast 393

Korea owes Japan, What 350

Korean history (see History)

Korean neutrality 70

Korean society, Fusion of 337

Korean relations with Japan 9

Koreans in Manchuria 443


Ladies¡¯ days 461

Late Queen Dowager, The 6

Lie on the left side 20


Map making 211

Meum et teum 298


Neutrality, Korean 70

New book on Korea 109

News calendar 24, 77, 120, 172, 216, 261, 312, 362, 408, 462, 508, 555

Northeast Korea 393

Note on Ha-ju 207


Odds and Ends 20, 259, 305

Oldest relic in Korea 255


Palace burned. The 155

Penal code in Korea 357

Point of ethics, A 1


Queen Dowager, The 6


Railroad construction 204

Reform spelling 385, 440

Relations with Japan, Korean 9

Relic in Korea, The oldest 255

Retrospect of 1903 13

Retrospect of 1904 529

Reviews 109, 215. 170, 357, 504, 505

Rossetti, Carlo 504

Russians burn bridge 214

Russians dash at An ju 213

Russo-Japanese war 49, 97, 145, 193, 241, 302

Russians in Northeast Korea 438


Severance Hospital, The 494

Sorcery exposed 22

Spelling reform 385, 440, 539

Straight official, A 259

Stripling, A. B. 118


Ten thousand year bridge 305


Underwood, Mrs. H G. (review)


Vanguard, The 170


War anecdotes 211

Waste lands, The 306, 344

What Korea owes Japan 350

Wonsan incident. The 204