The Korea Review




Volume 3, 1903.


A Brave Governor (anecdote) 71

A Buddhist Relic 112

A Costly Drag (anecdote) 70

Across Siberia by Rail 218, 253, 305, 349

A Hungry Spirit (folk-tale) 111

A Korean Poem. Rev. F. S. Miller 433

A Moral from Gobang (anecdote) 70

A New Faith Cure 406

A Notable Paper on Seoul (review) 1

A Novel Mail Delivery (story) 68

Archery under Difficulties (anecdote) 401

Armor, The Secret (folk-tale)  451

As Good as Wireless Telegraphy (anecdote) 261

A Square Meal (story) 497

Astrology, A Leaf from Korean 13, 65

A Tiger Hunter's Revenge (folk-tale) 487

A Very Practical Joke (anecdote) 357


Banishment 481, 529

Bank, A Korean Government 217

Boats of Sfing-jin 405

Bridges and Wells of Seoul 104

Buddhist Relic, A 112

Budget for 1903 173


Cemetery, The Foreign 507

Centipede, The 261

Ch¡¯oe Chi-wun 241

Conference, The Coming, Dr. C. C. Vinton 310

Costly Arrows (anecdote) 358

Crying Seed, The (story) 402

Cure for Canker-sore (folk-tale) 406


Disarmament (anecdote) 160

Dragon Gate Mountain (folk-tale) 403


Editorial Comment 22, 73, 115, 163, 217, 253, 311, 406, 463, 499, 547,


Faith Cure, A New (folk-tale) 406

Fisherman's Luck (anecdote).. 403

Foreign Cemetery, The 507

Fortress of Puk-han. O Sung-geun 444

Formosan, Korean and 289

Fortune's Formula (folk-tale) 69

From Fusan to Wonsan by Pack-pony. Rev. H. O. T. Burkwall 18, 59, 101


Good Cutlery (folk-tale) 400


Heavenly Pig, The (folk- tale) 110

Hen versus Centipede (folk-tale) 213

History of Korea 33, 81, 129, 177, 225, 273, 369, 417, 465, 513, 561

How Chin outwitted the Devils (folk-tale) 149

Hun-min Chong-eum, The 154, 208

Hungry Spirit, A (folk-tale) 111


Japan, Korean Relations With 294, 347, 394, 438, 492

Japanese Occupation of Seoul in 1592. Prof; T. Sidehara 247


Korean and Formosan 289

Korean History 33, 81, 129, 177, 225, 273, 321, 369, 417, 465, 413, 561

Korean Relations with Japan 294, 347, 394, 438, 492

Korean Folk Tales (Review) 8

Kwan-ak Mountain 357


Looking Backward (anecdote) 261

Lying Bull Mountain (folk-tale) 498


Mail Delivery, A novel (folk tale) 68

Making of a River (folk tale) 260

Meteorological Report. Dr. Pokrovsky 32, 80, 128, 176, 224, 262, 320, 368, 416, 464, 512, 560

Milk Supply (folk tale) 112

Mortuary Notice 264, 530

Mountain Dew (anecdote) 499

Mr. ¡°Three Question¡± 113

Mudang and Pansu 145, 203, 257, 301, 342, 385


News Calendar 25, 74, 121, 167, 222, 267, 313, 359, 409, 455, 501, 554

New Year, The Korean 49

Note on Ch'oe Chi-wun 241


Peddlars Guild, the 337

Physical Type, The Korean 55

Poem, A Korean, Rev. F. S. Miller 433

Practical Joke, A (folk tale) 357

Presence of Mind (anecdote) 452

Privileges of the Capital 193

Puk-han, Fortress of, O Sung-geun 444


Question and Answer 114, 160


Railway, The Seoul Fusan 460

Relations with Japan. Korean 294, 347, 394, 438, 492, 535

Relic, a Buddhist 11

Revenge, A Tiger hunter's 487

Reviews 1, 8, 165, 398

Roman Catholic troubles in the north 22, 22r, 25, 73, 77, 115, 121

Royal Asiatic Society Papers1, 8.


Seoul, A Notable Paper on 1

Seoul-Chemulpo Tennis Tournament 414

Sharp Eyes (folk tale) 358

Square Meal, A (anecdote) 497


Taiku Dispensary, The 389

Tell-tale Grain, A (anecdote) 113

Tennis Tournament, Seoul-Chemulpo 414

Test of Friendship, The 97

The Boats of Sung-jin 405

The Bridges and Wells of Seoul 140

The Budget for 1903 173

The Centipede 261

The Coming Conference Dr. C.C. Vinton 310

The Crying Seed (folk tale) 402

The Foreign Cemetery 507

The Fortress of Puk-han, O Seung geun 444

The Heavenly Pig (folk tale) 110

The Hun-min Chong-eum 154, 208

The Japanese occupation of Seoul in 1593, Prof T. Sidehara 247

The Korean Mudang and Pansu 145, 203, 257, 301, 342, 385

The Korean New Year 49

The Korean Physical Type 55

The Peddlar 's Guild 337

The Privileges of the Capital 193

The Secret Armor (folk tale) 451

The Taiku Dispensary 389

The Tell-tale Grain (anecdote) 113

The Test of Friendship (story) 97

The Tug of War 159

Thorn Fence Island 262

Three Questions, Mr 113

Travel from Fusan to Wunsan Rev. H. O. T. Burkwall 18, 59, 101

Tug of War, The 159


Vaccination (anecdote) 111


Well up in Literature (folk-tale) 404

Why they Went Blind (folk tale) 262


Yong-am-p'o 367, 407

Young Men's Christian Association 461