Jang-an-sa  長安寺


Another similar (but slightly different in details) picture

Jang-an-sa in Japanese times

Old, but just when?

Jangan-sa from above


The canopy above the altar in Jangan-sa's Sa-seong-ji-jeon 四聖之殿  (the second main hall) in 1912  [Click here for a series of detailed photos of this hall made in 1941]

Jangan-sa's Sa-seong-ji-jeon

Jangan-sa's main hall, the DaeUngBo-jeon in 1912.

Jangan-sa pagoda

Jangan-sa after destruction

Volume 12 (a large pdf file or go here for full Index) of the Japanese 朝鮮古蹟圖報 Joseon gojeok dobo published 1932 includes a few pictures of  Jangan-sa