The Charles Dallet Project

Brother Anthony

This project involves the collection, translation into English, editing and annotation of the main texts related to the history of the Catholic Church in Korea prior to 1890. The current official system of romanization of the Republic of Korea is used throughout. Currently these texts are formatted as single-spaced A4 pages.
(A.)    An annotated English translation of Charles Dallet: Histoire de l’église de Corée (1874, 2 volumes)

General Preface by Brother Anthony  MSWord     PDF

List of Korea's saints and Blessed Martyrs  MSWord    PDF

Introduction 132 pages   
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Volume 1 230 pages  
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Volume 2 350 pages  
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Dallet’s History of the Church of Korea is the first full-length work entirely devoted to Korea to have been published in modern times. It is a unique and fascinating witness to the first century of Catholic faith in Korea, with detailed accounts of the development of the Church, the persecutions and the many martyrs. Its Introduction provides vivid insight into the ways the early French missionaries discovered the country. The History was compiled by Dallet from over 100 documents in the archives of the Foreign Missions Society in Paris, with the Notes by Bishop Daveluy serving as his basic source and inspiration.
In this translation, proper names are romanized according to the modern RR system, the footnotes provide the Hangeul, romanized and Sinitic-characters, dates of birth/death, baptismal name and indicate if  Saint or Blessed for the proper names of all the major figures; the current address for place-names is given when possible. The source/Archive catalogue number is given for each section of text which does not derive from Daveluy’s Notes (Volume 4 of his Archive).

(B.)    An anthology of major documents of Korean Church history 1784-1887

Preface   MSWord   PDF

1. Texts written by Missionaries  (Ending with a list of all the documents directly quoted by Dallet) 436 pages  
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2. Texts written by Koreans (including official government texts)  MSWord   PDF

This dual anthology provides English translations of all the most significant texts needed for the study of Korea’s early Catholic history. Many of the texts are not readily available in their original form, and have only been translated into Korean. For some of the texts written by Koreans, an original text in Hangeul or Sinitic characters is also available.  

(C.)    A translated collection of over 100 letters written by missionaries 1832-1874 350 pages   
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Annexe: Biographies of the missionaries most often mentioned MSWord    PDF  HTML

Dozens of letters and texts written by the French missionaries to Korea were published in issues of the review Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, many of them were also translated and published in the English edition of the Annals. To these have been added a large number of other, unpublished and untranslated letters, from the IRFA Archive.

(D.)    English translations of the letters of Saint Kim Dae-geon and Choe Yang-eop 385 pages
These translations were published in Korea in 2 volumes some 3 years ago, but without publicity or international distribution. The introductions and footnotes in those editions have been thoroughly revised and expanded and the volmes could best be published in a single volume, without the Latin texts (a file including the Latin texts is also available).   
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(E.)    An English translation of all the available documents (French and Korean) related to the 1866 French Expedition. 420 pages  
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This expedition, intended by Admiral Roze to “punish” the Korean authorities for the execution of 9 French missionaries early in 1866, ended ignominiously after a few weeks when the French withdrew without having established any significant contact with the Korean government. After an initial survey of the Han River leading to Seoul, a force of several hundred French landed on Ganghwa Island and settled in houses abandoned by their inhabitants. The township of Ganghwa was occupied without resistance, the French were twice ambushed by the Koreans, a treasure in silver and several hundred royal records (Uigwe) were seized. The volume includes all the official letters exchanged between Admiral Roze and the French authorities, a number of full-length accounts of the expeditions, private letters, and a translation made by Bishop Mutel of the Korean government’s court records covering the attack from the Korean side.

(F.) English versions of the writings of Saint Antoine Daveluy after his arrival in Korea contained in the IRFA Archive.

A Preface with the Life of Daveluy, a brief presentation of his writings, and full extracts from his letters tracing the evolution of his work on the Korean martyrs. MSWord   PDF

Bishop Daveluy arrived in Korea in 1845. He lived there for over 20 years. He  wrote and translated much about Korean Church history, as well as writing a large number of letters to colleagues and family. Of all the canonized Korean saints, his Archive is unique in the breadth it covers and the insight it offers into the origins and life of a missionary at that time. It would be proper to have all his preserved texts published both in French and in English.

(1.)    Notes for the Introduction to the History of Korea (Volume 3 + a section from Volume 5)   
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(2)     Notes for the History of the Korean Martyrs (Volume 4)  
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(3)      A choice of the main Korean Martyrs (Volume 5)
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(4)      The letters written from Korea to his colleagues. (volume 6) 
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(5)    The letters written from Korea to his family. (volume 8 + letters to his aunt from Volume 6)  
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(Not transcribed or translated: Personal notes written by Bishop Daveluy before ordination (volume 1) and after ordination (volume 2) as well as letters written to his family by Bishop Daveluy before arriving in Korea (volume 7)